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Las App’s y la gamificación

La gamificación se ha convertido en parte fundamental de las apps

Algo que todos los directores de marketing y growth entienden, es que atraer usuarios y fomentar la retención son cosas completamente diferentes. Por un lado, las aplicaciones requieren de una estrategia para llamar la atención de los usuarios. Debido a esto, las marcas deben proporcionar contenido convincente, presencia publicitaria y publicidad personalizada. Por otro lado, mantener a los usuarios involucrados con el producto, requiere formas innovadoras para motivar su compromiso. Aquí es donde entran en juego la gamificación y los videojuegos.

¿Qué entenderás leyendo este artículo?

En este texto explicamos cómo estas herramientas tecnológicas pueden ayudarte a impulsar tu negocio digital hacia nuevos horizontes. Debes tener presente que para competir en el mercado debes innovar. Cabe resaltar que gracias a la tecnología, el público busca maneras interactivas de acercase a una marca. Definitivamente las TIC’S han traído una revolución comunicativa que le exige al marketing transformarse. No es extraño evidenciar el nivel de creatividad que deben aplicar las marcas para poder ser competitivas. Asi que si lees este artículo, entenderás que la gamificación puede ser tu “As bajo la manga”. Ahora, ¡reflexionemos!

¿Qué logramos con la gamificación?

La gamificación es el uso de mecánicas y estrategias de juego en la experiencia de usuario. La idea es crear un sistema motivador para fomentar el compromiso y el progreso dentro del producto. Esta técnica se ha vuelto cada vez más popular entre los desarrolladores de aplicaciones y directores de marketing debido al éxito que han tenido las aplicaciones móviles con juegos integrados, como Pokémon GO, Candy Crush Saga y Clash of Clans. Estas aplicaciones han demostrado que con la gamificación se pueden atraer usuarios masivos y mantenerlos comprometidos durante mucho tiempo.

Además, la gamificación no se limita solo a las apps para dispositivos móviles, sino que también está expandiendo su alcance a los mercados de consolas y PC. Por ejemplo, los fabricantes ahora están produciendo mandos de juego diseñados específicamente para ser compatibles con teléfonos inteligentes, creando así un nuevo tipo de experiencia entre videojuegos y dispositivos móviles. Esta expansión del mercado significa que ahora existe una oportunidad única para atraer a nuevos usuarios con el poder motivador de los videojuegos.

La gamificación se ha convertido en parte fundamental de las apps

¡Los videojuegos incorporados en una App traen ventajas!

Los beneficios de incorporar mecánicas de juego en las aplicaciones van más allá del simple hecho de retener usuarios. Hay un beneficio real para ellos en términos de satisfacción general con la app. Los usuarios están acostumbrados al contenido tradicionalmente encontrado en videojuegos modernos. Además, las natarritas intuitivas combinadas con desafíos, generan conexión emocional. Las personas disfrutan explorar este tipo de contenido en sus aplicaciones favoritas. Igualmente, cuanto mayor sea el grado de personalización que ofrezca un juego basado en app, mayores serán las posibilidades para ser parte del proceso creativo e interactivo. Esta es la verdadera magia detrás del éxito probado por muchas apps populares basadas en juegos.

Por supuesto, hay otros elementos clave como las herramientas tecnológicas avanzadas de realidad virtual (VR) y realidad aumentada (AR). No cabe duda que ayudan a impulsar la popularidad mundial por la industria mobile gaming. Gracias a los smarthphones, se le permite a los usuarios, viajar y explorar galaxias remotas sin salir del sillón. De hecho, podemos decir que lo impensable ahora es totalmente viable gracias a estas tecnologías emergentes.

En resumen, nos encontramos actualmente en plena era mobile gaming. El panorama global se prepara para ser transformado por completo gracias al éxito creciente en todos los ámbitos relacionados con las experiencias lúdicas digitales, ya sea mediante la gamificación o mediante herramientas avanzadas como VR/AR. Existe claramente una oportunidad por explorar y es lo que varias marcas están implementando.

¡En Goama te damos la oportunidad de instalar tu zona de juegos dentro de tu App!


Embracing Gamification: How CEOs and Marketing Managers can Drive Increased Sales Through Early Adoption

Goama christmas games

The use of gamification in marketing and sales is nothing new. However, the potential for its widespread adoption across industries has never been greater. As CEOs and marketing managers strive to reach ever-increasing sales goals, they must consider the advantages that gamification can offer – from improved customer engagement to increased loyalty. Now, let’s explore the potential for early adoption of gamification strategies and how they can help drive sales in the near future!

What is Gamification?

Gamification is the use of game mechanics to engage customers and motivate them to complete tasks for users to earn something for themselves: Through a combination of points, rewards, levels, leaderboards, challenges, and more; companies can create an immersive and engaging environment for their customers. Goama has been using this approach to help many companies drive customer loyalty and increase sales.

How Does Gamification Work?

By leveraging game mechanics, companies can create an immersive environment for customers that encourages them to interact with their brand or product in new ways. Companies can use points, rewards, and other incentives to motivate customers to complete certain tasks or purchases or even compete against each other on leaderboards. These kinds of engagement strategies have been proven to increase customer loyalty, boost sales and encourage repeat visits.

Benefits for CEOs and Marketing Managers

The benefits of early adoption of gamification strategies are numerous for CEOs and marketing managers. By incorporating gamified elements into their campaigns, they can reach a larger audience in a more cost-effective way than traditional methods. Additionally, this strategy leads to improved customer engagement and stronger relationships with customers which drives increased sales over time. And finally, through analytics gathered from gamified campaigns, CEOs and marketing managers can gain valuable insights into how their strategies are performing so they can adjust accordingly as needed. Learn more about why you should add games into your existing mobile app, or website!

Examples of Successful Gamification Strategies

There are many examples of successful gamified campaigns across industries that have led to increased sales. For example, Coca-Cola created an online gaming experience that allowed players to collect virtual bottles while playing mini-games – the more bottles collected equated to discounts upon purchase at physical stores. Another example comes from clothing retailer Forever 21 which created a “StyleMe” app where users could earn points by creating outfits from items in the store’s catalog – those points then translated into discounts when shopping at Forever 21 stores or online sites. Last but not least, Snickers launched a new campaign in 2022 to incorporate various games for users to participate in tournaments to earn tickets – users then can use these tickets to redeem prizes and rewards.

Challenges Facing Adoption

Though there are numerous advantages presented by the early adoption of gamification strategies for driving sales increases there are also some challenges that should be taken into consideration as well. Chief among these is customer acceptance – will your target audience respond favorably to this type of marketing tactic? Additionally, budgeting constraints may be an issue if you don’t plan ahead properly – if you’re not careful you may end up spending more money than expected on setting up the campaign itself or offering incentives such as discounts or prizes for playing games, etc.


Now is the perfect time for CEOs and marketing managers alike to explore how embracing gamification strategies can help drive increased sales over the long term. The potential benefits presented by these strategies include improved customer engagement, stronger relationships with customers as well as greater insights gleaned from analytics gathered during campaigns – all of which can help move businesses closer to achieving their goals faster than ever before!


Why you should add games into your mobile app or website?

By: Aakanksha Singh, Product Manager | Goama

According to a study by Statista, in today’s mobile app market, there are over 3.2 million apps on Google Play, 2.1 million on Apple App Store. So in all, we have over 5 billion mobile apps!

It is getting challenging for Apps to stand out from the competition with such a huge number. If your app does not provide the users with a value proposition and a fun experience, the users will not download your app, and even if they do, they will uninstall it after use.

The app should have something unique and exciting to offer so that the users stay engaged and use the App more and also keep coming back to the app.

If your App doesn’t have something unique to offer, your app will not only lose the existing users and not be able to attract new ones. This will be a huge loss for your business.

Not acquiring new users will also impact your app’s performance in the app stores as fewer users mean fewer reviews, and thus your app’s ranking will also suffer. So, sooner or later, your app’s operational cost will become a loss for your business.

So, the question comes, what can you do to make your app stand out and offer an interesting user experience?

The answer is – Add Games To Your Existing Mobile App/Website.

I am Aakanksha Singh, Product Manager at Goama. In this article of mine, I will guide you WHY and HOW to Integrate games to your existing mobile app. Let’s get started.

Add games to your existing app

Add a separate game section in your app. Strategically provide CTAs (Call To Actions ) to drive users there.

  1. Add Just for Play games that the users can enjoy.
  2. Use Advanced Gamification techniques which can up your App performance by ten folds.

Let’s explore both options thoroughly. You can also jump to the bottom of the Blog and check how you can achieve this at Goama.

1. Add just for play games to the existing mobile app

existing mobile app

Add a Games section in your App and turn your non-gaming app into a gaming powerhouse. Choose an attractive game and give your users a unique reason to keep your App installed and use it again and again. From our self help portal you can change games in a few clicks. 

Suggestion to Growth Hack:

  1. Conduct A/B Test on which Game is turning out to be most engaging 
  2. Place the Gaming Section strategically on your App’s Home page/separate section/Carousel/New Announcements, etc.

Talk to our Growth Hack Team. Contact us.

2. Use Advanced Gamification Techniques

Mobile app gamification is about adding game components in the mobile app to make the app’s user experience a fun-filled one. The fun features in the app help increase the app’s traffic. Moreover, this experience encourages the users to use the app again.

With points gathered, the users will get rewarded for using the app or purchasing from the app, and the app will be able to get loyal customers.

Here are Gamification methods that can be integrated with your mobile app to gamify it:


Tournaments are highscore skilled based game sessions that multiple players can enter to compete between a large pool of players. 

Tournaments are proven to be 8x more effective than just playing games.


It is a proven Gamification technique which acts as the best motivation for the users to perform better. It showcases how other users are performing. This will motivate the users to go the extra mile and be featured on the leaderboard.

Combined with tournaments, it turns into a competition where the top spots on the leaderboard will get a gift or coupon. This will really motivate the users to do their best to be on the top of the leaderboard.

Social Integration

Its a trend having social integration in apps and games. With this, the users can add their social media friends as in-app friends, and then they can keep an eye on the progress of other players. They can share their achievements too.

Sharing their progress and everything will help the users connect with their friends or look out for each other. This way, your app will become a special place for them, and they will use your app more and more.

Note: From our self help portal you can configure everything very easily in just few clicks. 

Benefits of adding games to your existing mobile app?

Adding games to your app will be a great asset for your app. It will not only upgrade your user experience but will also provide a fun-filled experience to the users. The addition of games can increase your app’s ROI by 3x and user engagement by 10x. In addition, it will reduce user churn and make the users revisit your app repeatedly.

Here are some definitive reasons you should add games to your mobile app.

1. To Increase Engagement of your App

Games are and will be a brilliant marketing strategy as it is proven to attract visitors from all genres. 

Once people start getting engaged with your App, it’s an opportunity to retain them and also acquire more users through word of mouth or through our Social Media sharing/Refer a Friend capability.

2. To provide a better experience

The key to ensuring that the users download and keep your app is your app’s experience. If your app offers amazing games with its core features, users will get a better in-app experience.

Games will add a fun side to your app, so people will keep your app installed. This way, whenever they need services/products related to your business/brand, they will use your app first.

3. To push beyond your limits

The mobile game industry is thriving and growing at an exponential rate. By adding games to your existing mobile app, you can enter the gaming industry.

You can transform your product or service into a game, and thus you will get the profit of an app and a game in one place. Venture around different genres and develop amazing games to push yourself out of your comfort zone and experiment with games to provide your users with the best app they have ever downloaded.

4. To provide the users with a reason to come back

In 2022, users are looking for apps that can provide a unique and captivating experience that leaves them craving more. By adding games to your app, you can deliver that unique experience. This unique approach will be the selling point of your app and will help you get more users and turn them into faithful customers.

5. Get More positive reviews

The gamification of your app makes it more interesting and more profitable for the users to use. The in-app experience and the users’ overall experience with your brand will improve, and you will get many positive reviews on the internet.

6. Get an edge from competition

In this competitive world, App creators are struggling to add differentiators to their App. Adding Gaming section to your App could be a real differentiator which can set you apart.

Why should I choose Goama as my Gaming Partner?

List is long, but here are top reasons why:

  • Experts in Gamification strategies and in market since 2019
  • Presence in 24 countries and experience with some of big brands like Pepsico, FoodPanda, Razorpay, Cricbuzz, GCash, BKash, JazzCash etc.
  • Supports all advanced Gamification Techniques like Tournaments, Leaderboard, Rewards, Points, Refer a Friend etc.
  • Integration is absolutely FREE, and Goama does it for you on a live call.
  • Use all features in 30 Days FREE TRIAL. It is sufficient time to conduct experiments as well.
  • We provide On Call and Email support after you Integrate with us
Getting Started on this journey with Goama

Go Live in a few easy steps:

  • Create a FREE Account with us. 
  • Generate your Gaming Page. Customize it. Add more Games.
  • Complete the Integration. Do it yourself or We can do it Free of cost.
  • Go live.

The 5 Key Criteria That Makes a Super App, Super!

“Super App” is a term coined by Blackberry founder, Mike Lazaridis, defining it as “a closed ecosystem of many apps that people would use every day because they offer such a seamless, integrated, contextualized and efficient experience.” He envisioned a collection of apps that serve people’s multipurpose needs, seated in one mega platform. As prophesied, the age of super apps has already taken over our lives. 

The digital transformation across the globe and the rising demands of end users has pushed developers to create the ultimate “ecosystems of various offerings. ”Super apps or ‘digital front-doors’ have further evolved to a mass marketplace, offering a variety of products and services made possible by in-house technologies or through third-party integrations.

One of the leaders the Super app realm is WeChat, initially an instant messaging app that transformed into an ecosystem of services including but not limited to taxi booking, virtual wallets, payment channel, hotel reservations and of course, gaming.

Map of the WeChat mini program Ecosystem

Similar super apps have sprung up over the past years, starting off as a single use focused app and that eventually morphs into a multi-purpose mega platform that offers a variety of services that addresses people’s needs. 

 Contenders to WeChat are the likes of Grab, Gcash, Paymaya, Gojek, MPT4U in Asia Pacific, Tata in India, Yandex Go for Europe and Careem in Dubai. There are a wide number of tech companies aiming to be THE ultimate super app. Even The Facebook Company, with their purchase of WhatsApp depicts its ambition to bite into Super app market pie.

 So what makes a super app really super? We’d say it has to do with the elements and characteristics of being able to provide an all-in-one or one-stop-shop capabilities to end users. The more service or functionality being offered by a mobile app, providing convenience to end users, the higher its level of superpower.

Let’s deep dive into the the 5 characteristics of a super app:

  1. Super apps are the ultimate go-to app on the phone

The ease of use and search of products and services in an all-in-one app holds more value to end users because it is convenient and saves time. Imagine it as another home copy of your home screen where you can get to all the services you need to sort out your daily life within just one app! e-Wallet, check. Bills payment, check. Games, check.

  1. Has at least one service or function that has a high open rate

Super apps like Gojek and Grab started off as a ride-sharing app and each added functions such as instant messaging and e-wallet. Gcash started off as a mobile wallet and payment center, and now offers multiple verticals in-app. Whatever a super app was initially built for, it was doing its ‘job’ superbly, allowing them to morph into an ecosystem of offerings.

Gojek vs. Grab
  1. Easy access to end users’ wallet

Why let your end users keep money in another app when you could have direct access to their wallet? This is an important function being done by many apps with the ambitions of being a super app, even such as the likes of eCommerce platforms Lazada and Shoppe launching their own e-wallet function that enables ease of access to payments for their users.

Lazada Wallet
  1. Open and welcome to partnerships with other platforms

Super apps are like your malls with multiple shops offering various services. The very reason why they are what they are is their ability to be open to collaborations and partnerships. Their app structure allows for other platforms to be seamlessly integrated within the ecosystem they have built. Gamification platforms like Goama enjoy partnerships in over 24+ countries across the globe, providing a highly curated library of addictive games.

  1. To sum it up, from a business perspective, a super app provides much value to businesses in general

The capabilities of a super app can increase growth, and engagement. Additionally, having lots of services that cater to different needs of consumers will help with retaining users.

It is no secret, Goama loves super apps and integrates seamlessly with one, providing the fun aspect that retains the end user on that super app, lengthening end user time spent while they are not using the key service that the super app provides. It is entertainment within reach, without having to install multiple game apps on their phone. 

End users simply need to tap into the super app and they will have access to high quality casual gaming. Goama also provides monetization opportunities through game tournaments that makes end users hooked on further.

Super apps are here to stay, and ever ready to serve end users’ multipurpose needs. What about you? What do you enjoy about the super app that you are using?




The Rise and Rise of Mobile Gaming And The Need for Gamification

Mobile gaming is serious business, in fact, it is a phenomenon. The global gaming market is estimated to have reached over $152 billion, where 45% of that comes directly from mobile games. That’s over $68.5 billion!

Just last year in 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, the mobile gaming industry saw a spike of over $77.2 billion in revenue just in that year alone. Even though the pandemic has caused grave impact worldwide, destroying businesses across several industries, the gaming industry just keeps thriving and thriving.

Total Mobile Game Revenues CAGR 2019-2023

Mobile games have accounted for over 33% of app downloads, 74% of consumer spend and over 10% of all time spent in-app. The mobile gaming industry is at its peak with no signs of slowing down. With the covid-19 pandemic causing an increase in smartphone penetration around the world, and network providers working around the clock to provide affordable data cost for easier access to mobile gaming, we are experiencing a massive increase in the number of mobile gamers across the globe.

global smartphone users

Over 90% of millennials prefer smartphones over gaming PCs, laptops and other gaming devices. According to GameAnalytics, just in the first quarter of 2020, the number of mobile gamers grew from 1.2 billion people to 1.75 billion per month.

From casual games to the rise of hyper-casual games that are easy and quick to download, competitive and fun, mobile gaming is the rave even amongst older demographics. Today, the average age of a mobile gamer is 36.3 with one-third of all gamers are between the ages of 36-50 years old. Gender split is also now at 50% female and 50% male. The current demographic studies are definitely changing the traditional perception of gamers.

The choice of mobile games are abundant in the Google Play Store and iOS App Store, but according to App Annie, a popular App Analytics and App Market Data tool, casual games are leading the global download growth rankings, with over 45% year on year increase.

What is the real definition of casual games? Why and how does it become popular in the mobile gaming scene? Well, in short – casual games are designed for everyone and anyone. It has few rules with simpler game mechanics. There is a certain level of competition that appeals, either to beat their record or to advance the leaderboard amongst their circle of friends. The psychology of casual games also makes it addictive because it’s supposed to be easy and relaxing and provides a sense of accomplishment. The tendency for gamers to conquer the game then becomes personal.

Casual games rely on a free-to-play model that has numerous monetization strategies but mostly mobile developers and investors earn by monetizing through in-app purchases and in-game ads. For marketers, 2020 saw a significant drop in the cost to acquire new players – bringing down an average lead cost to $1.47 ( a 66% decrease from 2019). However, it is still expensive to acquire a paying user for casual games, which suggests that monetizing users through ads will still be a focus of many mobile app developers.

With the billions of U.S. dollars generated from revenues coming from mobile gaming, it is easy to perceive that entering the mobile gaming industry is lucrative and holds many opportunities to convert millions of gamers to be potential customers for your products and services. The recent rise in hyper-casual gaming that’s worth over $2 billion has introduced into the audience pool a massive 100 million new mobile players, and that’s rapidly increasing.

If you already have a live mobile app currently, is it wise (or let alone necessary) to set up a new team to create a branded game just so that you can tap into the mobile gaming market? If you do not have a mobile app just yet, does it mean that you ought to nose dive into creating a game app just so that you can grab a share of the pie? Well, it all depends on your resources really. While it is a mammoth of a project to undertake, it is not impossible, and it might even scale your business one way or another.

Luckily, our team at Goama have thought hard and well on this and through that our engagement platform was born which enables our partners to create, connect and engage with millions of gamers across the globe for your app and/or brand through casual eSports.

We offer our platform, which consists of a wide variety of highly curated casual games that are competitive, fun and addictive, to be hosted within your currently running app – which in turn allows you to re-engage with your dormant app users and provide  them a new environment within your “own home”.

For brands who wish to have access to the audience pool of millions of mobile gamers, we offer an interactive and immersive brand campaign experience that allows you to interact with new and existing consumers. You can be certain that with Goama you are providing dynamic engagement at each step of the campaign where we provide the tools and flexibility for you to build a game with multiple levels of customisation and product placement opportunities, where players can compete to win rewards. You are also able to drive desired user behaviours post-game with attractive calls to actions.

The sky’s the limit with what you can achieve in the mobile gaming market. The question is, are you ready to get started?

Contact us at sales@goama.com to discuss on gamifying your app, or if you want to build a game for your brand.

You can find out more about how we can gamify your app here, or help you build a game here.

By Jean Bautista

Edited by Tengku Wazir Aziz






Blog Press

A Game for Gamers by Gamers – Goama Powers Razer Cortex Instant Games

Razer launches with more than 100 games, including the all-exclusive Sneki Snek Adventure that features fan-favourite sustainability mascot, Sneki Snek. Gamers can compete in a range of tournaments for a chance to win Razer Silver.

USA 13 Aug 2021 – Razer, the world’s leading lifestyle brand for gamers, announced the launch of Cortex Instant Games Tournament, focused on instantly playable casual games, powered by Goama – a gamification platform and provider of a vast library of highly curated casual and hyper casual games and tournaments. 

Goama delivers an advanced gamified environment turning any app into a gamified powerhouse unleashing opportunities to engage users, increase new user acquisition and retain existing ones. Razer’s instant games are playable directly from the Razer Cortex app on Android, so players don’t have to do additional downloads. Each of the hosted tournaments offers tiered levels of Razer Silver prizes, which are redeemable for a variety of Razer hardware, accessories and digital rewards.

“We are proud to be working with Razer to create more ways for players to improve their gaming skills and be rewarded for their performance,” said Taro Araya, CEO of Goama.

Cortext Instant Games will host 4 to 6 tournaments concurrently, with 100 more games available for free-play access to a wide variety of genres. Each of the hosted tournaments offers tiered levels of Razer Silver prizes, which are redeemable for a variety of Razer hardware, accessories and digital rewards.

Additional casual games and tournaments will constantly be added and rotated onto the platform spurring competition among players. With Razer gamers dubbed as “hardcore gamers”, this partnership makes an interesting one to watch.

“Razor fans are hardcore gamers,” Sr. Director for Razer Mobile Software, Quyen Quach said. “But I really believe that gamers play differently on different screens. So you might be a really hardcore gamer on a console or PC, and then you’re waiting in line somewhere and you just want to pick up a quick challenge somewhere, and you will do that on your phone. With Razer Cortex Instant Games, we have an interesting intersection of casual gamers and core gamers. We really feel like hyper casual games are something that cuts across all those demographics. It’s so easy to pick up that everybody can understand it. And for the core gamer, it’s more about the competition. It’s about seeing where you are on the leaderboard.”

Released simultaneously with Cortex Instant Games Tournaments, Razer also launches the first ever Sneki Snek game that features Razer’s iconic, environmentally conscious mascot that will run charity tournaments – echoing Goama’s stance to Doing Good Through Gaming.

Sneki Snek Adventure challenges players to steer Sneki Snek away from poisonous obstacles and grab seeds to plant trees to score bonus points. With a real-time leaderboard pitting players against each other, players compete to conquer the top spot for a chance to win Razer Silver prizes. All proceeds generated from Sneki Snek Adventure will be donated directly to Conservation International as part of Razer’s continued commitment towards sustainable practices and reducing its global footprint. 

“A session might last a few seconds, or it might last 30 minutes, depending on how good you are,” Quach said. “And we’re seeing that, although most of the game session times are pretty short, we have about 20% of users that are somewhere from 15 minute to 30 minute game sessions. So they’re playing it over and over, and they want to move up the leaderboards.”

Razer is seeing a lot of people coming in through this system who are new to Razer so far, Quach said. It’s widening the funnel of players who could eventually stick around and spend more money on Razer products.

“This is their introduction to Razer,” she said. “The Razer ecosystem can mean cool gear for anybody, from having a pink headset to a Star Wars mouse or keyboard. Gaming’s demographic is changing before our eyes.”

As featured in – Razer Bloomberg Venture Beat michapx7 That’s Gaming Invision Community Inside Digital Gamesutra Pocket Tactics Inside Voice Report Door Techspot Jioforme Persberichten Gamepress Truth Daily Techbeezer Hitechglitz Slashgear Businesswire Jackofalltechs IQStockmarket Pixel Magazin Swift Headline Mid Florida Newspapers Myket Today Spot On Michigan Techno Senior Flipboard


MGS Expand: Fireside Chat: From Markets To Team Members – All You Need To Know About Expansion

Taro Araya, the CEO of Goama, and William Bao Bean, the General Partner of SOSV, were featured in a Mobile Game Association webinar yesterday, July 15th, 2021, on the topic from Markets To Team Members – Everything You Need To Know About Expansion. In this session, you’ll get insights on a B2B2C approach for market expansion, piggybacking on super-apps, opportunities for startups, cross-border expansion opportunities, choosing local partners, and building the right team for expansion efforts.

If you were unable to attend, here’s a quick video recap. Enjoy watching! ^_^

For more information, you may visit the following websites:

SOSV Website: SOSV: https://sosv.com/

Goama Website: https://goama.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/goamaofficial 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goamaofficial/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHPLZ33WN35Fvos7LU3_q3w

Twitter: https://twitter.com/goamaofficial

About Mobile Growth Conference Series

MGS EXPAND is an intimate one-day, developer, publisher, and marketer-focused conference where you can connect with and learn from mobile app and online marketing professionals.

Expanding is a tricky business. Get insights on how to achieve better brand awareness, localize correctly for new markets, and expand into new territories. Our lineup consists of industry leaders who are experts in expansion, branding, and localization.

With lectures, panels, and numerous opportunities for networking, MGS EXPAND has everything you need to make 2021 a successful year for both you and your company!

For more details: https://www.mobilegrowthassociation.com/events/expand


Venture Studio, Ludus backs Singapore based gaming start-up Goama

Goama, a Singapore-based gaming platform, has announced that they have completed their latest investment round with the participation of Ludus, a leading venture studio located in Turkey. Goama will be using their new funding to pursue new partnership opportunities in various markets and expanding their team to support the scale of users from their newest partners.

Goama is a gaming platform that is built for businesses, combining the best of esports and the best of casual games to create a competitive casual gaming environment, where players compete on casual games, ranked on live leaderboards, to win real world prizes.

The team behind this start-up is aiming to solve the major challenges that advertisers and mobile app developers face every day with transforming any app into a gaming powerhouse – driving engagement, monetization and acquisition. The result is a compelling user experience to keep users engaged and in turn, increase transactions on other verticals within the app’s ecosystem as well as a social community built on the foundation of competitive gaming.

Wayne Kennedy, Goama’s Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer said “The platform was built from the ground up to support apps, and we can gamify an app within 2-4 weeks. With engagement and gamification at the core of our product design, we have been able to deliver a compelling proposition and effective solution to common problems faced by apps.

Ludus Venture Studio, which is a Turkey-based venture studio founded by gaming and ad-tech industry veterans, participated in the last investment round. With this new strategic alliance, Goama believes they can capitalize their industry knowledge and as their next phase they can realize the large monetization potential and opportunities of an already engaged user base with Ludus Venture Studio.

Taro Araya, Goama’s Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer stated that “Our long-term goal on achieving sustainable growth is built on the foundation of a healthy company culture and a team that executes with excellence, supported by extraordinary shareholders. With Ludus Venture Studio’s support, we’ve geared up our teams to deliver on our Sustainable Growth Strategy in 2021-2022, which will increase sales exponentially; doubling our addressable user base, which now stands at over 100 million monthly active users and doubling our resources to mobilize our initiatives ahead of schedule.”

Volkan Biçer, Partner at Ludus Venture Studio, commented that, “As Ludus, we are excited to be a part of Goama. There is a huge potential in the Super App market, as super apps act like the connector between businesses and users and have an immense effect on increased number of loyal consumers. We believe Goama will become a key player in this market and will bring a new solution to the major challenges that are on advertisers’ plate for a long time.”


Rise in mobile gaming and the opportunity for brand engagement.


Gamers have it good in 2021. In fact, gaming has never been in such a healthy position, with an array of consoles to choose from these days alongside handheld devices such as smartphones. Gaming is now a big part of everyday culture in today’s modern world. It’s only going to go from strength to strength, too.

One aspect of gaming which has really kicked on in recent times is mobile gaming. We all have access to a smartphone in the modern world, therefore opening up an array of gaming possibilities in the process. This all comes despite the release of a sophisticated console such as a PlayStation 5, with smartphone gaming offering something different to a console gaming experience. It looks like mobile gaming is here to stay, ultimately.

So, how does this all translate to a brand’s engagement? Here at Goama we provide brands with the exciting opportunity to freshly engage with various segments of the audience using mobile games. 

Goama’s Platform

We offer a unique competitive casual gaming platform that is hosted on leading super apps such as Rappi, Gcash, Cricbuzz spanning from Latin America to South East Asia. These games can be customised for the brand paving the way for branding and advertising. Coupled with multiple CTAs, it will guarantee a unique  form of engagement with your brand’s current audience and attract a new segment.

 Custom games created for Foodpanda and Snickers

Several brands such as Snickers, Foodpanda have already reaped the rewards from such campaigns. It enabled these brands to engage with audiences averaging over 15mins per user. If you want to have a fresh dose of engagement with your audiences, contact us via www.goama.com 


Source: https://www.harrogate-news.co.uk/2021/02/05/mobile-gaming-to-do-even-better-in-2021/

For more information, you may visit the following websites:

Website: https://goama.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/goamaofficial

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goamaofficial/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHPLZ33WN35Fvos7LU3_q3w

Twitter: https://twitter.com/goamaofficial




Is the increasing popularity in mobile games an opportunity for brand engagement?

The full extent of mobile gaming growth in 2020 following surges of engagement during COVID-19 lockdowns is finally becoming apparent, with The NPD Group releasing its Deconstructing Mobile & Tablet Gaming report in collaboration with Sensor Tower.

Per the report, of the 303.7 million mobile users across the US and Canada in 2020, 238.7 million are active mobile gamers.

This is up 12% over 2019’s 214 million, a considerable growth increase from previous years, as the number of mobile games rose only 5% from 2017 to 2018, and only 2% from 2018 to 2019.

Additionally, the average number of hours per week spent playing games on a smartphone or tablet rose to eight hours in 2020 from six in 2019, with NPD again attributing this increase to the pandemic — in fact, 35% of the mobile gamers in the US and Canada that the NPD surveyed said that COVID-19 lockdowns had led them to engage with mobile games more frequently.

Mobile gaming rose across all age groups, with the number of gamers ages 45 and older rising 17% year-over-year, the 25 to 44 age group rising 13%, the two to 12 age group rising 9%, and the 13 to 24 age group rising 3%.

The NPD Group additionally reported that all mobile gaming genres saw revenue growth in 2020, though the specific revenue numbers have yet to be compiled, with The NPD Group saying they would be available by early next week. Last year, the NPD Group reported mobile gaming revenue of over $11.8 billion.

Goama offers multiple game customization options, branding and advertising opportunities, and multiple CTAs enabling users to interact with you. These are driven through sponsored tournaments with a selection of competitive casual games hosted on leading superapps such as Rappi, Gcash, Cricbuzz across globe from Latin America to South East Asia. 

Goama’s Platform

Brands such as Snickers and Foodpanda have already benefited from such campaigns. It enabled these brands to engage with audiences averaging over 15mins per user. Goama’s exceptional growth resulted in being featured as one of the 100 startups to showcase at CES 2021 by Taiwan Tech Arena.

To get onboard this exciting opportunity, contact us at https://goama.com

Custom games created for Snickers

For more information, you may visit the following websites:

Website: https://goama.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/goamaofficial 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goamaofficial/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHPLZ33WN35Fvos7LU3_q3w

Twitter: https://twitter.com/goamaofficial


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