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Will Mobile Gaming take over eSports? And how it can help your business?

Mobile eSports might just be the future of eSports

Games like PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty Mobile, Arena of Valor & Clash Royale have massive fan bases and are pulling in millions of dollars in revenue.

And developers like Riot Games are catching on and shifting their attention towards creating their own mobile versions of their games.

Even traditional eSports organizations have joined in on the trends, popular teams like Fnatic Immortals and SK Gaming have all established teams under popular mobile titles.

But while mobile gamers are already well aware of how big mobile eSports can become, traditional eSports fans are just starting to realize it and might be a little sceptical.

Two of the most played mobile games, PUBG & Call of Duty

How can games that are less developed and played on less hardware attract such serious players and fans?

Well, the key to this rise in mobile eSports is accessibility, not everyone can afford a massive high-end gaming computer or even the latest console, but nearly everyone has a smartphone and access to WiFi.

And in developing nations with the largest of populations, this couldn’t be more true, as a results mobile gaming is pulling in massive numbers and this only the beginning for mobile eSports.

How mobile games can help your business?

Attractive CPIs are everywhere: Despite a 35% decrease in costs, acquiring hyper-casual users in the U.S. ($0.42 at the end of March) came in at the high end of the scale. However, marketers can expect the highest conversion rates (17%) from users in this region. During the same period, costs in APAC declined sharply to tie with EMEA at around $0.20. Globally, CPIs are much lower, averaging $0.17 in Q1 2020.

IPMs are off the charts: Globally, total installs per 1,000 impressions increased by 18.2% from Q4 2019 to Q1 2020. This indicates users are more engaged with ads and more likely to take action as a result of viewing them.

Advertising provides a positive impulse: Predictably, sessions for hyper-casual games are short (1.56 per user per day) and stickiness is moderate (11% for hyper-casual mobile games compared to 24% for all other games combined). However, this is the game experience the genre was built to deliver.

Platforms offering mobile eSports solutions

Goama is providing Casual eSports Engagement Engine wherein it enables mobile apps to host hyper-casual mobiles game tournaments driven by leaderboards, community, and real-world rewards.

With this kind of service, all we can say is that casual esports is on its way to dominating the eSports scene. With the increasing number of people getting new smartphones every day, it’s a no brainer to try this solution to increase SuperApp engagement and leverage ads for awareness and stability.


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Foodpanda Mobile eSports Tournament Week 7 Winners Announcement

We are excited to announce the 20 amazing winners of last week’s Foodpanda Mobile Tournament powered by Goama which held on 20th July 2020 and ended on 26th July 2020, 23:59 pm. 

Please check the following if you are one of the winners!

Tee Kian Lim8$20
Goh Siak How10$20
Sim Bak Kee15$20
Tee Kar Hau20$20

Again we would like to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in the tournament and tried their best to get the highest scores possible! ????


Your prizes will be paid to you from foodpanda, the Friday after the tournament announcement. You must be an active foodpanda rider (who has done 1 order within the tournament period) to be eligible to redeem the prize if you win. If you haven’t register as a rider click HERE


How to join?

Steps and Mechanics

1. You must be an active rider who completed at least 1 order during the week of the tournament in order to claim your cash prize.

The tournament starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.

2. You can win weekly! You will be able to see how much you’ve won for the week via the game’s leaderboard.

The prizes are dynamic,  with the highest scorers winning up to $50 for the week.


3. Upon clicking the link, you must input your Rider ID

4. The cash prize will be given to you by the succeeding Friday after the tournament.

Onboarding with FOODPANDA is super easy!




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The Next Normal: How startups can reset beyond pandemic?

EMK is arranging a virtual summit to help MSMEs to explore the future of business and investment opportunities from venture capitalists and financial institutes.

This will be a joint initiative of EMK Center, Astha Foundation Bangladesh, YY Ventures, and ygap Bangladesh. Focus of the summit will be to support the existing entrepreneurs in their ideation stage. The summit will focus on creating a linkage between experienced entrepreneurs, investors and promising startups facing challenges to continue regular operations due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Our very own Taro Araya, CEO of Goama is invited to join to share his insights regarding the Future of Investment and how getting things done.

Here is the schedule of events

Time Session Speaker Topics to be covered 
July 25, 2020
11.00– 11.45am
Opening session:  Business leading the post pandemic recovery
Erad Kawser, Country Director,ygap Bangladesh
Shazeeb M Khairul Islam,Managing Director,YY Ventures Rashid Saleh, Founder & President,Astha Foundation Bangladesh 
COVID 19- Implications for businesses sustainable business and prospering society: bridging the gapInclusive business creating a win-win situation in the post-pandemic era
July 25, 2020
11.45am- 12.45pm
Pivoting business during and post pandemicSimon Lee,Head of Global Programs,ygap Leadership Team Coronavirus- pivoting your business- be the business COVID 19- Brands and companies that have pivotedPost pandemic- A roadmap for your business to recover
July 25, 2020
3.00- 4:00pm
COVID 19- Managing the business financial health
Erad Kawser, Country Director,ygap BangladeshEnsuring sustainable financing and stable cash reservesImpact of a crisis in the budgeting and business planning processes adapt your business model to reduce costs, both in the short and medium-term
July 25, 2020
4:00– 5:00 PM
Engaging with consumers during COVID-19 and beyond
Wafi Aziz Sattar, Lecturer, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
Communicate promptly, clearly and transparently Re-engaging customers in the post-pandemic eraCOVID 19: A brand. New. Purpose
July 25, 2020
07:30 – 09:00 pm
Legal considerations: Changing your business model
Nahid Hossain, Managing Associate,Old Bailey Chambers COVID 19 Checklists: Legal and Business Considerations Return to workplace moving from physical to online sales: a key consideration
July 26, 2020
5.30– 6.30pm
Future of investmentNirjhor Rahman, CEO, Bangladesh Angels
Sharawwat Islam, Truvalu.enterprises Limited
Taro Araya CEO of Goama – Getting Things Done
Reinventing the organization for future investments Startups navigating the changing investment climate due to COVID 19 Unprecedented time requiring more than planning 
8.00- 9.00pmInnovation in crisis: why is it more critical than ever?Government official 
Impact Hub 
The case for innovation prioritizing innovation is the key to growth in the post-crisis world the recipe for emerging as an innovation leader
9.00- 9.30pmClosing session: Reimagining the business- 2020 and beyond              Emma Jackson
Asif U Ahmed 
Tina Jabeen Khan 

It’ll be a virtual training. Registration going on!

Registration link: https://forms.gle/yuud9nyCLTJZdN7E9
Registration deadline: July 24, 2020


Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/goama-gogames


Foodpanda Mobile Tournament Week 6 Winners Announcement

How is everyone’s weekend? Did you manage to join and compete for last week’s contest? 

We are excited to announce the 20 amazing winners of last week’s Foodpanda Mobile Tournament powered by Goama which held on 12th July 2020 and ended on 19th July 2020, 23:59 pm. With almost $500 total of cash prizes, everyone is a winner!

The winners will win away prizes as follow: 

Goh pei xuan sellah1$60
Tee Kian Lim15$20
Muhammad Haikal Bin Zulkifli19$20

Again we would like to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in the tournament and tried their best to get the highest scores possible! ????


Your prizes will be paid to you from foodpanda, the Friday after the tournament announcement. You must be an active foodpanda rider (who has done 1 order within the tournament period) to be eligible to redeem the prize if you win. If you haven’t register as a rider click HERE


How to join?

Steps and Mechanics

1. You must be an active rider who completed at least 1 order during the week of the tournament in order to claim your cash prize.

The tournament starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.

2. You can win weekly! You will be able to see how much you’ve won for the week via the game’s leaderboard.

The prizes are dynamic,  with the highest scorers winning up to $50 for the week.


3. Upon clicking the link, you must input your Rider ID

4. The cash prize will be given to you by the succeeding Friday after the tournament.

Onboarding with FOODPANDA is super easy!




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Goama The Worldwide Leader in Casual eSports

Full engagement requires interactivity, replay value, rewards and social features making mobile gaming a highly engaging medium and part of player’s routine. Unlike social media platforms, mobile gaming is a highly controlled environment that does not rely on user-generated content and can be enjoyed whenever and wherever you are.


Goama provides casual mobile game esports platform where it can be integrated with super apps and websites with mobile casual game tournaments, driving up engagement and offer the best interactive online game entertainment. Combining innovative social platform functionality through community engagement and real-world rewards.

The ability to challenge their friends via social sharing builds a strong community of casual gamers within the platform. Players claim bragging rights and drive virality within their own social network. New exciting casual mobile games are published every week, that for sure every age generation will surely love and play for countless hours.

To know more how casual esports can help your platform, Click HERE

Follow us on:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/goama-gogames/


Rappi quiere ser una ‘súper app asiática’

  • Inspirada en las súper apps asiáticas, como las de Tencent, la nueva oferta de entretenimiento de Rappi busca que te quedes el mayor tiempo posible dentro de la app.

Si vives en China casi todo lo que quieras hacer en tu día a día lo puedes hacer a través de la pantalla de tu smartphone. Comprar el súper, pagar tus servicios, comunicarte, pedir un transporte, ver un concierto, ir al cine o jugar algo casual, y todo esto lo puedes hacer desde la misma aplicación, o dos a lo mucho. En contraste, si vives en América Latina, lo más probable es que tengas al menos 20 apps diferentes en tu celular, de acuerdo a eMarketer; sin embargo, algunas firmas como Rappi buscan cambiar esto convirtiéndose en “súper apps”.

Si bien Rappi llegó al mercado en 2015, con una oferta limitada a delivery de comida o productos de supermercados, ha sumado otro tipo de servicios en los últimos años. Actualmente es posible pedirle a un repartidor de Rappi que te lleve algo que olvidaste hasta donde estás, que pasee a tu perro o que compre ropa y pague servicios por ti, y a partir de ayer, ahora también podrás ver conciertos en vivo, escuchar música en streaming y jugar videojuegos.

La similitud de la oferta de Rappi a lo que hoy ofrecen las llamadas “súper apps” asiáticas como We Chat, Ali Pay, Line, Grab o Go-Jek de Indonesia es casi una calca, y es cierto, el unicornio colombiano busca replicar este modelo en América Latina apoyado en una oferta de servicios de entretenimiento y transacciones, sin dejar la misma pantalla.

“Rappi está construyendo algo que va más allá de una sola categoría y no hay un competidor directo de esto, por lo menos en esta parte del mundo, al final es intuitivo tener todo en la misma app como las súper apps en Asia. En vez de tener varias apps regadas te encuentras con un solo ecosistema con capacidad de transaccionar y con la última milla que llega a la puerta de tu casa”, dijo Sebastian Ruales, director de nuevos negocios de Rappi, quien detalló que en la tecnológica se llevaba ya un año desarrollando este proyecto de integración de entretenimiento.

Ruales explicó que el modelo de negocio de esta nueva oferta de servicios busca alimentar su mismo ecosistema de transacciones y entregas de última milla y por la que ha consolidado una base de 30 millones de suscriptores en 10 países.

Si bien Ruales no compartió el porcentaje de comisión con el que se queda la firma de cada uno de los eventos en vivo, o compras en vivo que se hagan en la ahora “súper app”, el directivo explicó que la parte de juegos funciona actualmente bajo un esquema de partnership con el proveedor de casual gaming de Singapur, Goama, por lo que- por ahora- no está abierto a que desarrolladores independientes usen Rappi como una ventana.

“La compañía tiene base en Singapur y trabaja con compañías del sureste asiático y con ellos empezamos a surtirnos de estos juegos y a curar el contenido que empezamos a tener y hoy tenemos 150 juegos y creciendo (…) El cielo es el límite, no nos vamos a quedar con un solo modelo de negocio; vamos a seguir aprendiendo y en la medida que crezcamos no está fuera de la mesa buscar game developers que puedan desarrollar para nosotros o tener acceso a otro tipo de compañías”, dijo.

Goama opera en 17 países y genera alrededor de dos millones de horas de juego a la semana en cada uno de sus mercados, según información pública de la empresa.

En la vertical de conciertos y eventos en vivo Ruales compartió que el negocio funciona de dos formas: El primer modelo se basa en patrocinios que pueden hacer las marcas para algún evento, y en el que Rappi cobra un fee por el uso de su plataforma, o bien si la relación es directa entre el artista o ponente y Rappi, este último cobra un porcentaje y el resto es para el creador de la experiencia.

Como medida de éxito, al ver hacia el primer año de operación, Ruales estima que una forma de medirlo sería que esta nueva vertical genere nuevos usuarios en el modelo base de negocio que es la transacción por entregas y ventas.

“Si logramos atar el entretenimiento y el ocio con conversiones y comercio vos tenés algo algo espectacular porque vamos a tener la última milla y también el entretenimiento. Esto estamos tratando de alcanzar y es el camino que vamos a buscar recorrer”, dijo.

¿Las ‘súper apps’ funcionan fuera de China?

La consultora Kagan describe que existen dos tipos de súper apps, las que van desarrollando servicios habilitados sobre un negocio base, normalmente una plataforma de pagos propia, o bien las que dejan que terceros desarrollen para ellos y las integran, como WeChat o Baidu.

El reporte de Kagan advierte que lo más importante de estas apps es que no dependan de un tercero para procesar pagos- Rappi cuenta con Rappi Pay desde 2018- y por el contexto asiático se ha visto que este tipo de desarrollos funcionan bien de forma regionalizada y cuando la conectividad no es prevalente en el país.

“Las súper apps han funcionado en regiones delimitadas de Asia, como China. India tiene las suyas y el sureste asiático las suyas, pero todas comparten algunas cosas culturales”, citó el reporte.

Por su lado KPMG sugiere que la siguiente década será de crecimiento para esta categoría con aplicaciones cada vez más consolidadas bajo la misma compañía y, el reto lo ven, en cómo los bancos podrán agregar valor para procesar sus transacciones.

“La gran pregunta es cómo los bancos entienden cómo darle valor a sus servicios en un mundo dominado por las súper apps”, citó la consultora.

Un ejemplo de consolidación de apps en el mundo occidental son los servicios cada vez más fragmentados de las grandes tecnológicas- prohibidas en China en su mayoría- como la familia de apps de Facebook o los diversos servicios de Google.

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Rappi wants to be a ‘super Asian app’ in Latin America

  • Inspired by Asian super apps, such as Tencent’s, Rappi’s new entertainment offer seeks to keep you in the app as long as possible.

If you live in China almost everything you want to do in your day to day you can do it through the screen of your smartphone. Buy the supermarket, pay for your services, communicate, request a transport, see a concert, go to the cinema or play something casual, and all this can be done from the same application, or two at the most. In contrast, if you live in Latin America, chances are you have at least 20 different apps on your phone, according to eMarketer; However, some firms like Rappi seek to change this by becoming “super apps”.

Although Rappi came to the market in 2015, with a limited offer for food delivery or supermarket products, it has added other types of services in recent years. It is currently possible to ask a Rappi delivery man to bring you something you forgot where you are, to walk your dog or to buy clothes and pay for services, and from yesterday, now you can also see live concerts, listen to music in streaming and playing video games.

The similarity of Rappi’s offer to what is now offered by the so-called Asian “super apps” such as We Chat, Ali Pay, Line, Grab or Go-Jek from Indonesia is almost a decal, and it is true, the Colombian unicorn seeks to replicate this model in Latin America supported by an offer of entertainment and transaction services, without leaving the same screen.

“Rappi is building something that goes beyond a single category and there is no direct competitor to this, at least in this part of the world, in the end, it is intuitive to have everything in the same app as the super apps in Asia. Instead of having several watered apps, you find a single ecosystem with the capacity to transact and with the last mile that arrives at the door of your house, “said Sebastian Ruales, director of new business at Rappi, who explained that in technology, I had been developing this entertainment integration project for a year.

Ruales explained that the business model of this new offer of services seeks to feed its same ecosystem of transactions and last-mile deliveries and for which it has consolidated a base of 30 million subscribers in 10 countries.

Although Ruales did not share the percentage of commission with which the signature of each of the live events remains, or live purchases made in the now “super app”, the manager explained that the games part currently works under a partnership scheme with Singapore’s casual gaming provider, Goama, so – for now – it is not open for independent developers to use Rappi as a window.

“The company is based in Singapore and works with companies in Southeast Asia and with them we started to stock up on these games and curate the content we started to have and today we have 150 games and growing (…) The sky is the limit, no we are going to stay with a single business model; we will continue learning and as we grow it is not off the table to look for game developers who can develop for us or have access to other types of companies, ”he said.

Goama operates in 17 countries and generates around two million hours of gaming per week in each of its markets, according to public information from the company.

In the vertical of concerts and live events, Ruales shared that the business works in two ways: The first model is based on sponsorships that brands can make for an event, and in which Rappi charges a fee for the use of its platform, Or if the relationship is direct between the artist or speaker and Rappi, the latter charges a percentage and the rest is for the creator of the experience.

As a measure of success, when looking at the first year of operation, Ruales estimates that one way to measure it would be for this new vertical to generate new users in the base business model that is the transaction for deliveries and sales.

“If we manage to tie entertainment and leisure with conversions and commerce, you have something spectacular because we are going to have the last mile and also entertainment. This we are trying to achieve and it is the path that we are going to seek to follow, ”he said.

Do ‘super apps’ work outside of China?

The consultancy Kagan describes that there are two types of super apps, those that are developing services enabled on a base business, usually a payment platform of their own, or those that allow third parties to develop and integrate them, such as WeChat or Baidu.

Kagan’s report warns that the most important thing about these apps is that they do not depend on a third party to process payments- Rappi has had Rappi Pay since 2018- and due to the Asian context, it has been seen that this type of development works well regionally and when connectivity is not prevalent in the country.

“Super apps have worked in delimited regions of Asia, such as China. India has theirs and Southeast Asia theirs, but they all share some cultural things, “the report quoted.

For its part, KPMG suggests that the next decade will be one of growth for this category with increasingly consolidated applications under the same company, and the challenge is how banks will be able to add value to process their transactions.

“The big question is how banks understand how to give value to their services in a world dominated by super apps,” the consultant quoted.

An example of app consolidation in the western world is the increasingly fragmented services of the big tech companies – mostly banned in China – such as the Facebook app family or the various Google services.

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Rappi launches entertainment hub including games, music streaming and live events in Latin America

  • Rappi is launching three new services focused on entertainment within the same app;
  • Rappi Music will work as a subscription streaming service;
  • Rappi Live Events will bet on paid tickets for live concerts, in exchange for greater interaction;
  • With Rappi Games, the platform will offer more than 150 games, with scores and rankings among the players.

Colombian startup Rappi rolled out this Wednesday a range of new entertainment services to keep users on the platform. The new features, Rappi Games, Rappi Live Events and Rappi Music come as Rappi’s latest effort to enhance its superapp strategy.

“With this launch, we make our customers’ lives even easier by providing a platform where consumers can listen to their favorite music and buy their groceries, all in the same app, and without leaving their home,” Sérgio Saraiva, Rappi’s president in Brazil, stated in a press release. “Further covering this entertainment aspect, we make new functions available to all users of our superapp, both customers and partners who want to think of new ways to bring content and leisure to consumers.”

With Rappi Games, the platform will offer more than 150 games, with scores and rankings among the players. During 3 months of tests, Rappi hit 266 thousand unique users and 3.5 million games played weekly, according to the company. Partnered with Goama, one of the industry leaders in providing hyper-casual games.

“We aim to make Rappi’s technology transformative for our customers, always innovating and thinking about what they want. This launching is in line with our strategy to cover different verticals, going beyond the delivery of food, products and services,” said Saraiva.

Rappi Live Events will work as a live streaming platform such as YouTube and Instagram, but the company’s strategy is to bet on paid tickets for live concerts, in exchange for greater interaction, similar to a virtual meet & greet. Rappi expects to hold more than 50 monthly events, including paid and free lives. The service will also offer direct purchases within the app, so digital influencers will be able to sell products featured in the lives directly through the platform.

The music venture, through Rappi Music, will work as a subscription streaming service, allowing users to download, share, and create playlists. The company claimed to have developed its own streaming system, fully created in Latin America. Without disclosing prices, the subscription can be paid online or discounted from the user’s credits in the app.

According to Saraiva, users, which are currently mainly at home, are seeking options that combine entertainment and technology.

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Instagram: @goamaofficial


Social distancing affects mobile gaming tremendously, the trend is getting higher this year 2020

While social-networking sites are reporting massive spikes in use due to social distancing, the vast majority of that growth is less from users scrolling through feeds. Instead, people are leveraging messaging services such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. It’s clear that direct communication with friends and family members is essential.

Consumers’ attention across the globe has turned from outward spaces to the internal spaces of the home, as we all start operating our daily lives within four walls and within the confines of technology – such as our work, communication with others, etc. But what we are looking for has also changed.

The need for access to digital services like email, internet, Zoom and Slack. Vodafone is reporting a 30% increase in data usage but notes that much of it is coming from people working from home. Streaming video overall is also up (20%), demonstrating our need for entertainment at this time.

What we found, however, is that more people are turning to mobile games for entertainment than ever before. Some 85% of consumers are playing mobile games for relief, according to the Coronavirus Impact Survey to the EMEA and LATAM regions, conducted in late March. Respondents ranged from 14 to 74, but most in EMEA were in the 25-54 age group.

Global Games Market accdg. to Newzoo

This is due mostly to the popularity of social gaming, hyper-casual games and free-to-play role-playing games – the very types of games that consumers are turning to now, to not only release stress but to connect with other people online. And they’re doing it every day, nearly half (47%) of respondents are now playing mobile games on their smartphone every day.

Some are sticking with the tried-and-true: 31% of respondents are playing mobile games that they already enjoy, just more often. But there are plenty that are branching out and downloading new ones: 32% of mobile users surveyed are playing new games on their phones.

How are they learning about these new games and being compelled to download them, and then, in many cases, spend money on in-game purchases? Or, in some cases, clicking on ads from brands to learn more about their products or services? The mobile app user acquisition landscape has grown accordingly, and advertising opportunities abound with all of the attention now being paid to this channel.

So as we shift into a new world, turn your attention to one of the few media channels that are receiving more attention, not less: mobile gaming. This channel is only going to increase in importance. While mobile game downloads shot up especially this year 2020.

With the rise of hyper-casual game services which provides engagement through super apps, mobile gaming is not only for entertainment but also a boost for business initiatives, particularly for ads & brand recognition. To know more contact us using this link

Follow us on:

Instagram: @goamaofficial


Foodpanda Mobile Tournament Powered by Goama List of Winners

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Here we compile the list of winners for the Foodpanda Mobile Tournament powered by Goama

WEEK 3 (22nd June – 28th June 2020)

WEEK 4 (29th June 2020 – 5th July 2020)

WEEK 5 (6th July 2020 – 12 July 2020)

WEEK 6 (12th July 2020 – 19TH July 2020)

WEEK 7 (20th July 2020 – 26TH July 2020)

WEEK 8 (27th July 2020 – 2nd August 2020)

WEEK 9 (3rd August 2020 – 9th August 2020)

WEEK 10 (10th August 2020 – 16th August 2020)

WEEK 11 (17th August 2020 – 23rd August 2020)

WEEK 12 (24th August 2020 – 31st August 2020)

WEEK 13 (31st August 2020 – 6th September 2020)

WEEK 14 (7th September 2020 – 14th September 2020)

WEEK 15 (15th September 2020 – 21st September 2020)

WEEK 16 (21st September 2020 – 27th September 2020)

WEEK 17 (28th September 2020 – 4th October 2020)

Every week this list will be updated with the winners, so stay tuned and watch this space!

How to join?

Steps and Mechanics

1. You must be an active rider who completed at least 1 order during the week of the tournament in order to claim your cash prize. From 24 August 2020 onwards, You must be an active foodpanda Rider ( who has done 25 orders and attain 0 no-shows during the tournament period) to be eligible to redeem the prize.

2. Upon clicking the link, you must input your Rider ID

3. The cash prize will be given to you by the succeeding Friday after the tournament.

Onboarding with FOODPANDA is super easy!




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