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Using Gamification for Education & Learning

Gamification has been a prevalent product enhancement strategy since the 1900s. It has been employed in many areas to increase productivity, interest, and engagement. Today, it is gaining popularity as a highly effective tool in boosting software products in the education industry. 

What is Gamification in Education?

Gamification intrinsically involves implementing various game-like scenarios or elements into non-gaming environments. They are introduced to improve the engagement and motivation of the participants. 

Incorporating gamification in the realm of education helps increase student participation by building their interest through reward-based systems. Applying gaming elements to the classroom can make way for a more interactive and immersive experience that transforms the education space. 

The application of participatory approaches influences the student’s attitude and behavior towards education: encourages collaboration and self-study and strengthens the learner’s intellectual and creative abilities. 

How to Employ Gamification in Education?

The following are some ways in which gamification can be introduced in the classroom:-

1. Build a Point-System for Academic and Non-Academic Goals

The assessment system can be restructured to ensure points are awarded to students based on their efforts and completions of academic and non-academic tasks. This can include points for submitting assignments on time, or for following school codes of conduct. Gamification helps in breaking down the tasks and improving the ways in which the students engage with the tasks at hand. This can further be complemented with a rewards system that increases their motivation to participate in the learning-oriented tasks.

2. Transform the Perception of “Progression”

By creating smaller milestones, celebrating successes, encouraging students to improve if they score less, and giving rewards or “level-up” options on reaching target goals, the system for tracking student progress is transformed. It becomes more goal and achievement oriented rather than failure focused. Creating visual checkpoints for students and tracking their progress in this manner can make a more enjoyable learning environment for them.

3. Create Healthy Competitive Environments

Healthy competition amongst students or between students and teachers can increase engagement in the learning process and inculcate leadership, teamwork, creativity, and problem solving in students. This is a more immersive way of teaching and learning and can help in better comprehension of the subject. Gamification also enhances their ability to assess the implication of the theoretical text in real-world situations.

4. Encourage Introspection of Personal Performance

Similar to gaming scoreboards, creating “player statistics” and scoring systems for the quests, challenges, and tasks accomplished by students can help teachers improve students’ learning experience. Students can reflect on their progress, find out areas that require improvement, and enhance their productivity. They can enjoy more control of their growth and learning experience. Educators too can track individual progress and employ effective gaming strategies to guide and implement future learning goals. 

Benefits of Gamification in Education

1. The immersive education experience provides learners with the opportunity to proactively participate in the learning experience and engage with various tools and techniques to build on their skills.

2. The variety of learning tools and objectives make the experience more engaging and leads to the holistic development of the learners. The multiple options make the experience more exciting for the students to engage with, and the educators to plan.

3. Learning via interactive methods and immersing in the process is known to improve knowledge retention amongst students. It impacts the cognitive abilities of the students positively and they are better able to comprehend the information. Further, associating the theory with interactive gaming scenarios and real-life simulations or role plays allows the students to understand the real-world implications of their classroom learning modules.

4. Gamification impacts the holistic education of the students by teaching them academic and non-academic skills. They are able to better harness their intellectual and creative abilities with more focus while reflecting on their study behaviors and attitudes. It also creates a space for educators to interact with students and form effective guidance and lesson plans for optimum learning outputs. 

The following are some examples of how the education industry can harness these benefits: 

  1. Introducing classic games, such as scrabble, scavenger hunts, and interactive quizzes with multiple choice questions and word clouds promote cognitive, creative, and social skills.
  2. Role playing, going on quests, or completing group challenges can build on teamwork and problem-solving, while also allowing students to explore real-life implications of their learnings.
  3. Sites such as Duolingo and Classcraft use gamification strategies such as memorable avatars to build student engagement and make learning fun.

Thus, gamification as seamlessly facilitated by Goama, has enhanced the students’ learning experience and helped them achieve their learning goals in a more efficient and engaged way. It is the future and a transformative force in the education industry. 


Gamification in Telecommunications

The telecommunication market has seen tremendous growth in the past decade, riding the smartphone wave. 4G and LTE generations have matured, giving way to the current dogfights for 5G supremacy. In the US alone, the number of smartphones in active use rose from 50 million in 2009 to a staggering 300 million in 2019 and is now projected to reach 311 million by 2025. Increased competition caused by this uptick has increased the urgency for industry veterans to look for ways to attract and retain more users, and gamification has stepped in to fill the need. Game mechanics coupled with smart incentivization and social media integration have helped many sectors see significant growth. Telecom giants are now hoping to introduce some of the same mojos in their sector as well. Let’s look at how the telecom industry can benefit from gamification strategies.

How Gamification helps in Telecom:

Gamification provides quite a few niche benefits, and here’s how those boost the players in the telecom industry:

  1. Gamification drives user engagement. This user can be an external visitor to an organization’s internet-based site, or an employee accessing intranet resources.
  2. For employees, gamification has been seen to improve morale and job satisfaction.
  3. Incentivization strategies in gamification increase user interactivity and increase their loyalty. Customers are bound to stick with a product/service longer that provides instant gratification via badges and other rewards.
  4. For organizations, implementing gamification mechanics increases the effectiveness of internal training, accelerates the process of employee onboarding as well as increases employee productivity.
  5. Companies can get valuable insights about their user base by analyzing the permissions-based data shared by the customers. Users consent to sharing this data while engaging in different interactive tasks like trivia, QnA, etc.
  6. User data analysis helps organizations to customize their products to serve their users better.
  7. Through gamification, companies can boost their brand awareness and deliver messages tied to their specific marketing campaigns.

Some recent examples:

Gamification in business is not a new concept, and the telecom sector has reaped the benefits of implementing gameplay mechanics into its business processes to amass more user engagement and retention. Some recent examples include:

Verizon Wireless in 2012 decided to gamify its website to tackle low user engagement. The revamping duties for the Verizon Insider Web Portal were given to Gigya, a popular gamification vendor via a digital agency named Modal. Verizon, then with more than 108 million subscribers, was trying to engage more users via social media integration. Modal helped build Verizon Insider – an online hub for lifestyle and entertainment aimed to house all events, contests, sponsorships, and social initiatives that Verizon Wireless took – while Gigya worked on seamlessly integrating social and gamification features through features like social media logins, comments, and sharing. As part of this program, a milestones-based, tasks and rewards regimen was built. Users could get awarded with badges for commenting on articles and sharing them, and unlock better rewards if they referred them to more people.

The results were very promising. More than 50% of the site’s users engaged with the gamified content, and users who logged in via their social media accounts spent on average 30% more time versus users who used regular, older logins. These users who used social media logins generated 15% more page views.

Samsung in 2011 paved the way for gamification in the consumer electronics and telecom industry by adding game-like elements to incentivize user engagement in their corporate website. Dubbed ‘Samsung Nation’, members could earn points, unlock various rewards including badges, and get featured on the leaderboard by engaging and completing various activities like watching videos, commenting on different articles, and opting for various social media-specific tasks like liking posts, tweeting/retweeting about Samsung products, and even participating in user-generated Q&As on Samsung’s U.S website. Samsung also sweetened the pot by offering three Samsung Galaxy tablets to three lucky users who entered the sweepstakes.

Gamification has changed the way organizations look at user engagement. Traditional methods of marketing have given way to newer, game-derived mechanics to attract visitors and turn them into loyal customers. The telecom industry – although going through the most prolific decade in recent history – has recently found it difficult to expand its user demographic by using traditional methods and has started adopting gamification strategies. The rewards have also been handsome: incentivized loyalty programs have brought in more users, and permission-based information sharing has given organizations valuable insight about said users. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. As gamification strategies mature, many players in the current telecom industry will join the bandwagon. If you are a telecom market leader or a business owner, the time is now to leverage gamification and step up your user engagement.


Uso de la Gamificación en las aplicaciones de comida

La industria de alimentos y bebidas prospera gracias a la interacción del usuario, las reseñas y los respaldos de boca en boca. Sin embargo, las formas tradicionales de marketing en este dominio han llegado a sus límites, lo que obliga a las empresas a buscar inspiración en otros lugares. La gamificación se ha convertido en una herramienta revitalizante para crear nuevos rumores en el mercado, atraer y convertir nuevos clientes, retener a los usuarios existentes y disminuir la ceguera de los banners. El 93 % de los especialistas en marketing estuvo de acuerdo en que el enfoque gamificado e interactivo para la presentación de contenido fue efectivo para educar a los compradores, y el 88 % dijo que la gamificación desempeñó un papel fundamental en la diferenciación de su producto de la competencia.

¿Cómo se pueden gamificar las aplicaciones de alimentos?

Las técnicas de gamificación se pueden agregar a las aplicaciones de alimentos en varias áreas clave para mejorarlas para una mejor interacción del usuario, crear un ecosistema de clientes leales y generar conciencia sobre las marcas y sus mensajes. Exploremos algunas maneras en las que puedes hacer esto:

  • Puedes incentivar la participación de nuevos usuarios desde el paso inicial, incluidas las recompensas de registro, los códigos de promoción para registrarse, el intercambio de redes sociales y las bonificaciones de referencia. Las referencias escalonadas y las bonificaciones por límite de tiempo también son buenas formas de mantener a los usuarios enganchados y atraer a más clientes potenciales.
  • Gamificación de las compras introduciendo puntos de fidelidad, recompensas a las primeras compras a través de códigos de descuento o cupones.
  • Es posible crear un programa de fidelización por niveles donde los usuarios obtienen puntos por sus compras, referencias y otras acciones y luego gasten esos puntos para desbloquear más beneficios, para incentivarlos a permanecer más tiempo dentro de su aplicación o plataforma.
  • Se pueden incorporar técnicas de gamificación como trivias innovadoras, cuestionarios y otros métodos para recopilar datos de usuarios para analizarlos y comprender su base de clientes. De igual forma se pueden utilizar estos puntos de datos para personalizar su producto y brindar una experiencia personalizada más centrada en el usuario.

Beneficios de las aplicaciones de gamificación de alimentos:

La gamificación en las aplicaciones de alimentos (incluidas las aplicaciones de entrega de alimentos) tiene algunos beneficios importantes, que incluyen:

  • Impulsar la participación de los usuarios
  • Convertir usuarios ocasionales en clientes leales
  • Menos oportunidades de que la publicidad sea ignorada
  • Aumentar la retención de clientes
  • Mejorar la conciencia de marca y transmisión de mensajes.
  • Mayor comprensión de la demografía del usuario mediante el análisis de los datos del cliente
  • Ofrecer un producto más personalizado y centrado en el cliente

Ejemplos de gamificación en aplicaciones de alimentos

Pizza Hero de Domino’s

La aplicación Pizza Hero de Domino, creada para iPad en 2011, es un ejemplo perfecto de gamificación en la industria de alimentos y bebidas. Pizza Hero era un juego divertido en el que los usuarios asumían el papel de un pizzero, con la intención de crear la pizza más perfecta. Además de la experiencia de crear una pizza desde cero, los jugadores pueden pedir la pizza que crearon en su casa. No solo eso, sino que los jugadores con grandes habilidades para hacer pizza también tenían la oportunidad de ganar un premio mayor: un trabajo en Domino’s Pizza.

A través de la aplicación, los usuarios de Domino’s se involucraron de manera atractiva y aumentaron el conocimiento de su marca. También incorporaron la mecánica del juego en su proceso de contratación sin problemas. Si bien la aplicación se creó solo por diversión, Pizza Hero resultó ser un gran éxito, con más de 300 000 descargas. Se crearon 7 millones de pizzas a través de la aplicación y aumentó los ingresos por ventas de Domino en un 30 %.

Chipotle and ‘The Scarecrow’:

Chipotle, to create awareness about their messages about ethical food sourcing and sustainability, created a short animated film called ‘The Scarecrow’ and an associated game of the same name. The film showed several harmful practices which were fairly standard in the food industry and how Chipotle’s goal was different, eco-friendly, and geared towards the health of their customer base. The Scarecrow lit the market abuzz, with 18.4 million conversations across 17 social media platforms, and a 92.7 social sentiment score. The campaign -originally started in 2013- also won a Cannes Lions award in 2014 and helped Chipotle replace Taco Bell as the top fast-food brand in the United States.

Starbucks Rewards

Podría decirse que el mejor ejemplo de un programa de fidelización gamificado es Starbucks Rewards. Este programa de fidelización ha tenido un impacto monumental en la industria alimentaria y minorista, impulsando los ingresos por ventas para el gigante mundial de las bebidas, promoviendo un ecosistema de personalización, pedidos anticipados y pagos. Los clientes leales pueden ser promovidos a diferentes niveles: los niveles superiores vienen con más beneficios exclusivos, cupones, códigos de descuento, etc.

En resumen

La gamificación ha pasado de ser solo una prueba de concepto a un mecanismo real y confiable que las empresas aprovechan cada año para obtener grandes resultados. 

A nivel mundial, el mercado de la gamificación está valorado en casi $ 12 mil millones. Este repunte significa que la gamificación se está extendiendo a todos los estratos del mercado, incluidas las aplicaciones de alimentos. Las aplicaciones de alimentos han experimentado un aumento en los años de la pandemia y el aumento de la competencia ha obligado a las organizaciones a buscar medidas innovadoras para atraer a su base de clientes. 

La gamificación ha sido útil, al invitar a una mayor interacción del usuario a través de un enfoque basado en hitos y recompensas. Ya sea que se trate de aplicaciones de entrega a domicilio o de restaurantes, la industria alimentaria se está subiendo a la ola de la gamificación para crear nuevos modelos de interacción entre su base de clientes. Si usted es un líder organizacional o propietario de un producto, ¡ahora es el momento de subirse al tren de la gamificación!

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