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Will Apple’s iOS 14 Disrupt Mobile Advertising? – Goama Mobile News

The past two decades have seen Internet penetration and engagement skyrocket. As a result, targeted personalized advertising has become the largest revenue stream for data-driven tech companies like Google and Facebook. Within the mobile ecosystem, in-app advertising has become a key source of revenue for app developers, including game makers.

More mobile game publishers and developers than ever are relying on in-game ad revenues, particularly those active in more casual genres (especially hypercasual). For example, Outfit7 (publisher of My Talking Tom) generated six times more revenue from ads than from game publishing in 2019.

Apple’s recent iOS 14 announcement is poised to completely change how advertising on mobile works. The update will see Apple revoking its identifier for advertisers (IDFA),
making it practically impossible for businesses to track end-user behaviour on iOS device (both via web browsers and in apps).

Without contextual insights from this tracking data, it will be challenging for publishers and developers to deliver targeted ads that fit users’ preferences. As a result, companies may face higher user acquisition costs and returns on investment may be far lower.

At Apple’s WWDC event, it was announced that iOS 14 would behave in the same way as iOS 11 and iOS 12. Apple announced a new rule requiring apps on Apple devices to obtain explicit user consent before using the device ID to track and associate. This requires apps to ask users for permission before tracking them with an advertiser’s app identifier, known as IDFA.

The outcome for publishers and advertisers?

There are grave predictions about disruptive consequences for publishers. Ads are the main source of income for most publishers, particularly when it comes to smaller publishers. Adobe and PageFair report says ad blockers would cost publishers about $22 billion in revenue loss this year.

This real threat of ad revenue losses forces publishers to think about other ways of making money:

  • Less free content. It is possible that a big part of publishers, who currently offer free content in exchange for displaying ads, will turn to paywalls. Publishers could also switch from the web into their own mobile apps, where ads will not be blocked or transferred to social media apps such as Facebook.
  • The growth of native ads. The mobile ecosystem will start a shift from script-based ads to so-called “native ads” that will avoid the blocking system. 

Moreover, Apple said it would allow users to disclose their approximate location with apps rather than their precise location. This means apps will not be able to identify exactly where you are. Last year, Apple enabled users to give over their location once so that apps won’t track users as they go.


Make sure you are prepared for iOS 14 and the new privacy regulations by Apple because the iOS 14 ad blocking will change the future of mobile advertising. While the industry comes together to discover a solution that defends user privacy, others look for a sustainable future for advertisers and developers. 

credits: scaleo


About Goama

Is a casual engagement solution that turns any digital platform into a gaming powerhouse to boost engagement, reduce the cost of acquisition and increase brand awareness.

Driven by a rock n’ roll team of more than 100 years of combined experience in digital space and gaming, spanning across 10 countries, we are dedicated to delivering fresh games on our competitive platform every week. Our key partners in over 17 countries are driving in excess of 2 million minutes of game time per week.


Estimated 2.5 billion mobile gamers by end of the year 2020 – Goama Mobile News

The number of mobile users in 2020 is believed to be on track to hit 3.5 billion, which is around 45 percent of the world’s total population.

In 2020, the total number of smartphone users worldwide will reach 3.5 billion, representing year-on-year growth of +6.7%. By 2023, there will be 4.1 billion smartphone users globally,
growing at a 2018-2023 CAGR of +6.2%. Much of the growth will be driven by emerging regions.

Active Smartphones and 5G-Ready Smartphones

Across the world, there will be 4.2 billion smartphones in active use in 2020, with a year-on-year growth of +6.3%. By 2023, the number of total active smartphones in use will reach 4.8 billion. Among all active smartphones, 199.7 million will be 5G-ready by 2020, representing impressive year-on-year growth of +1,214.7%. By 2023, there will be 2.1 billion 5G-ready smartphones globally, accounting for 42.7% of all active smartphones. The global number of 5G-ready smartphones will grow at a strong three-year CAGR (2020-2023) of +117.9%.

Mobile Game Revenue Forecast

In 2020, global mobile game revenues will grow to $77.2 billion, a year-on-year growth of +13.3%. By 2023, global mobile game revenues are set to cross the $100 billion line, reaching
$102.8 billion. In 2020, $38.8 billion in revenues—or 50.2% of the total global mobile game revenues—will come from the iOS platform. Revenues generated by mobile games downloaded from Google Play will reach $27.9 billion, 36.1% of the total market. Mobile game revenues from all third-party Android stores will account for the remaining $10.6 billion,
13.8% of the total.

From Hypercasual to Hybrid-Casual

The era of hypercasual on mobile is branching out into exciting new areas. Mobile advertising analytics company ironSource concluded at Gamefest 2018 that the hypercasual
genre is effectively a funnel for converting mobile players into mobile (game) payers by analyzing the aggregated data of 2.5 billion users in ironSource’s network over two years.

Hypercasual’s dramatic popularity spike between 2017 and 2020 led to an oversaturation of players, aggravated further by the increasing number of companies entering the space.
These factors—along with a lack of viable, long-term monetization for the genre—have led many publishers to rethink their hypercasual strategies.

One approach many companies have adopted is retaining the core principles and mechanics of hyper-casual game design but adding a layer of meta-design elements to increase the
lifetime value (LTV) of players, as exampled by Archero. This strategy shift led to the emergence of hybrid-casual games.

The hybridity of this new genre is twofold:

• Gameplay: While the games remain casual at their foundation, meta-game elements from
core genres—such as action-based role-playing games (ARPGs) and deck builders—are
added to the mix.

• Monetization: New ways to play lead to new ways to pay, including bundles and direct
purchases, as well as the ad-based revenues popular in the hypercasual space.

credits: newzoo


About Goama

Is a casual engagement solution that turns any digital platform into a gaming powerhouse to boost engagement, reduce the cost of acquisition and increase brand awareness.

Driven by a rock n’ roll team of more than 100 years of combined experience in digital space and gaming, spanning across 10 countries, we are dedicated to delivering fresh games on our competitive platform every week. Our key partners in over 17 countries are driving in excess of 2 million minutes of game time per week.


Unprecedented growth in China’s HTML5 games market: WeChat Mini Game revenue up 18% – Goama Mobile News

With new reports of unprecedented growth, HTML5 games have secured their place as the hottest way to enter the Chinese gaming market. In the first half of 2020, WeChat Mini Games – one of the biggest HTML5 platforms – experienced a surge in revenue of 18 percent.

At a conference in August, WeChat product manager Li Qing shared insights on user growth, attributes, and popular genres in the Mini Games ecosystem. We have summarized key points below to help developers redefine their strategy for the ever-growing and changing Chinese gaming industry.

H5 User Footprint: 1 Billion and Counting

Since China’s biggest social media platform introduced Mini Games in 2017, the total number of registered users has exceeded one billion. This number has grown continuously over the past six months, indicating that mobile users – experienced gamers or not – are embracing the new WeChat mini-game model as a way to have fun on their phones.

With the steady release of new HTML5 games, alongside the optimization of existing ones, WeChat predicts an even faster growth rate for its Mini-Games business in the second half of 2020.

H5 User Attributes: The Pool Just Got a Lot Bigger

Data from WeChat highlights important differences between HTML5 game and app store game players, a key insight being that only a small percentage overlap.

For developers, this means complementary app and H5 strategies can help games reach a far greater audience than ever possible in the past.


Given their click-and-play nature, Mini Games appeal strongly to intermittent users who want to explore a game before committing to it. Once they’ve had a taste, they can go straight from your HTML5 game to an app store and download the full version.


Where the male-to-female ratio for traditional mobile games is about 6:4 (see gender distribution for mobile gamers in China), WeChat Mini Games have proven more attractive to the female user base with a ratio of 5:5.

With mobile gaming market revenue for 2020 forecasted to hit 6 billion USD for China alone, Asia’s growing female gamer segment is becoming an increasingly important target audience.


HTML5 games give developers access to a wider age range of players. Data from the past six months shows that two out of three mini-game players are over the age of 30—in contrast to one out of two for traditional mobile games.


HTML5 games give wider access to the China mobile user population as a whole compared to apps. The market share of mini-game users in tier 3-5 cities now exceeds 58 percent, compared to 39 percent for Chinese mobile gaming apps (see distribution of Chinese gamers by city tier).

The HTML5 games market is attracting users who weren’t gamers before and expanding China’s player pool. It can be concluded that these users prefer Mini Games to game apps, which require a stable internet connection, more phone storage, and higher performance.

H5 Genres: Puzzle and Simulation among the Most Popular

Puzzle and simulation games are the most popular HTML5 game genres, attracting 600 and 500 million users respectively, and bringing in combined revenue of more than 2.2 billion RMB.

The strategy and RPG category account for over 300 million users and 2 billion RMB in revenue.

Also announced at the conference was the expansion of WeChat Mini Games’ physical cache to 200 megabytes, giving developers more room to experiment and allowing users to experience games of higher quality and greater variety.

Now is the Time to Leverage China’s HTML5 Games

For foreign game developers, the HTML5 games market paves a uniquely hassle-free path into the Chinese market—with immense commercial value and scalability.

If you already have games in China, getting them on the H5 platform is key to sustaining and enhancing your success: on top of bringing in their own revenue, HTML5 games can attract new users and drive downloads for your mobile games.

If you are outside China and you want to harness the power and potential of HTML5 games in your platform/superapp to drive engagement contact us

credits: https://www.pocketgamer.biz/


About Goama

Is a casual engagement solution that turns any digital platform into a gaming powerhouse to boost engagement, reduce the cost of acquisition and increase brand awareness.

Driven by a rock n’ roll team of more than 100 years of combined experience in digital space and gaming, spanning across 10 countries, we are dedicated to delivering fresh games on our competitive platform every week. Our key partners in over 17 countries are driving in excess of 2 million minutes of game time per week.


Increase mobile user engagement in your apps using hyper-casual game tournaments

Do you remember the popular mobile game Flappy Birds? (Of course, you do, right and you’ve played it before)

It’s the game that swept the world for days and weeks, and it’s no surprise—the game entices you from the very first level.

But what’s more—it can teach you an essential lesson for the success of your mobile app.

A lesson that can help you dramatically increase user engagement.

Here’s the thing about Flappy Birds: from the first level, you’re motivated to play the game because it’s fun, and you earn points along the way. You feel victorious when you outscored your friends and achieve a reward when you fly across the tunnels. The beep music in the background while you tap your screen while increasing your hard earn points. Fist pumps all around.

The game mechanics keep you playing, and the rewards motivate you to reach the highest level. There’s always a fun, new challenge awaiting you

It also teaches you the importance of gamification—and it’s a lesson you can use to get users engaged with your mobile app. But we’ll dive more into this in a second.

The Importance of User Engagement in Mobile Apps

When you create a mobile app, you face two challenges. Not only does the app need to be compelling enough to earn a spot on the user’s home screen; it must also keep users engaged so that they continue using and interacting with it.

Put simply, the app must be something that people actually want to use. Otherwise, it’s likely to be pushed aside and become one of the 80% of mobile apps with 1,000 or fewer downloads. So yes—it’s important.

But how do you maximize user engagement?

There are several ways to boost user engagement in your mobile app.

The game uses the concept of “levelling up”— which gives people the feeling that they’ve progressed and/or achieved something, and gives them a reason to come back and keep playing.

It also gives them a feeling of achievement, which is one of the most basic and common gaming dynamics.

When you snapped back into reality and realized you’d been playing Flappy Birds, these were some of the reasons why.

We’ll show you how you can use these gaming dynamics—as well as others—to increase user engagement in your mobile apps.

But first, let’s define gamification: gamification is the integration of gaming dynamics into your site, service, community, app, content, or campaign, in order to drive participation and engagement.

It’s not about turning your app into a game—but rather, using certain features found in games to enhance the user experience of your app and make it more engaging.

And rightfully so—gamification serves as a powerful driver when it comes to promotion and retention.

Companies like Starbucks, Nike+, Red Robin, Linkedin, and Nissan are already using gamification to boost engagement on their apps and websites. Now, it’s your turn!

Here’s how you can start gamifying your mobile app:

Reward Users Early and Often

Think back to the popular game Super Mario. In most games, a princess has been kidnapped, and it’s the player’s duty to rescue her. But just beating a level alone and rescuing the princess wouldn’t be enough. The collecting aspect is what makes Mario Bros and other Nintendo so iconic. Whether its users collect coins, Pokemon, stars, or bananas, they’re rewarded often for simple tasks.

Starbucks does a great job of rewarding customers with their app—and it’s no wonder that it has been downloaded over 10 million times. It’s simple—the more coffee you buy, the more rewards you get and the more you fill up your cup. Users are motivated by the visual aspect of filling the cup and reaching the next highest level of earning.

Offer something “valuable” for free

With this approach, a user feels like they are getting something of value for free, due to someone else having done the work. In order for this to be effective, the player must feel like they’ve “lucked” into something, so it’s crucial that actual work is perceived to have been done.

Groupon does a great job with this as well. You get a deal cheaper only after 100 other people have bought it. You recognize that people have spent money on it (done the work), but you didn’t have to do any of the work of yourself.

Loyalty Rewards

Loyal users are more heavily engaged, and more likely to discuss and promote your app. The loyalty dynamic links to ownership, pride, and reward. You can make users more loyal through leaderboards and achievements, which generate a sense of pride and induce competition amongst users.

Integrate Hyper-Casual eSports tournaments

With the rise of mobile users. no once can deny that hyper-casual games are slowly taking over by storm. Mechanics are very easy to understand but somewhat very competitive and fun to play for hours! Integrating mobile eSports tournament in your app can be rewarding and the rewards of engagement are endless.



Without sufficient user engagement, your app will fade into oblivion. But there are some powerful methods to increase user engagement—and gamification is one of the best.

For the same reasons that you got hooked to games like Flappy Birds or Candy Crush, gamification techniques can keep users coming back to your app.

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5 proven tips on how to increase user engagement in super apps

App engagement is one of the most important growth measurements that everyone should pay close attention to because without it all left is a leaky bucket and a questionable growth.

As the saying goes… Engagement is key for retention and monetization

So here we present you 5 proven tips on to increase user engagement in super apps

  1. Email Marketing
goama branded games

There are two email marketing scenarios that any app should have. First is the Welcome Activation Sequence in which once a user signs up for the app, you want to send them a series of emails that teach them how to use the app, the benefits of using the app, social proof and to get them to actually subscribe. 

Another worth exploring especially if it’s an e-commerce type of super app is the Cart Abandonment Email. When you think of popular e-commerce sites such as Amazon, they know that you added something to the cart, and maybe left it and they will send you an email reminding you of your forgotten item in the cart. 

The content is something like Hey! Are you still interested in this item? Click this link to check your cart. This way they will open again the app to continue the purchase or browse again to add more items in the cart.

  1. Clear Onboarding Experience

Let’s not assume that after a user downloads your app, they will immediately remember what the app is all about. Because sometimes we download apps and we don’t open it until a few days later. So utilize the onboarding experience to tell them why your app is so cool and what made them download this app in the first place. 

The number one mistake that app developers make is they talk too much about the features but not about the benefits. So a feature would be, Hey get a car immediately with a push of a button like Uber but the benefit is all about saving time not looking for a cab, you push the button and you save time.


You talk about more about the benefits rather than all the features the app has. The benefits are all we want.

  1. Regular and constant updates

If you think about any type of mobile games, you’ve got to have new characters, new puzzles, new elements, new live apps to really engage your user. And if you a subscription-based app, well probably new content that you have to publish. So the more regular that you can update your app, the more it looks to end-user to be like. “Okay I wanna stick around with this app, I know they’re making a lot of new changes and they’re working to improve this app so I’m going to continue paying for this particular app.  

  1. Push Notifications Optimization

It is obvious but it’s the number one overlooked channel. It does work if implemented in a proper way. To have people enable push notifications on Google Play (for iOS it is already enabled by default) we users have to enable it. So the right way is to tell them why it is important. Don’t just do the default prompt, tell them why it is important to have these push notifications.  

  1. App Engagement Platform
user retention with games

Integrating such platforms will greatly boost the retention and engagement of your app. If your app is not capable of having this feature it’s no brainier. Services offered by Goama wherein a casual mobile game tournament platform is integrated into your app where you can have your own esports platform integrated into your app. 

We know mobile games are addicting and having it in your app can vastly reduce the bounce rate and retain them more to explore the actual services and benefits of the app.


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Will Mobile Gaming take over eSports? And how it can help your business?

Mobile eSports might just be the future of eSports

Games like PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty Mobile, Arena of Valor & Clash Royale have massive fan bases and are pulling in millions of dollars in revenue.

And developers like Riot Games are catching on and shifting their attention towards creating their own mobile versions of their games.

Even traditional eSports organizations have joined in on the trends, popular teams like Fnatic Immortals and SK Gaming have all established teams under popular mobile titles.

But while mobile gamers are already well aware of how big mobile eSports can become, traditional eSports fans are just starting to realize it and might be a little sceptical.

Two of the most played mobile games, PUBG & Call of Duty

How can games that are less developed and played on less hardware attract such serious players and fans?

Well, the key to this rise in mobile eSports is accessibility, not everyone can afford a massive high-end gaming computer or even the latest console, but nearly everyone has a smartphone and access to WiFi.

And in developing nations with the largest of populations, this couldn’t be more true, as a results mobile gaming is pulling in massive numbers and this only the beginning for mobile eSports.

How mobile games can help your business?

Attractive CPIs are everywhere: Despite a 35% decrease in costs, acquiring hyper-casual users in the U.S. ($0.42 at the end of March) came in at the high end of the scale. However, marketers can expect the highest conversion rates (17%) from users in this region. During the same period, costs in APAC declined sharply to tie with EMEA at around $0.20. Globally, CPIs are much lower, averaging $0.17 in Q1 2020.

IPMs are off the charts: Globally, total installs per 1,000 impressions increased by 18.2% from Q4 2019 to Q1 2020. This indicates users are more engaged with ads and more likely to take action as a result of viewing them.

Advertising provides a positive impulse: Predictably, sessions for hyper-casual games are short (1.56 per user per day) and stickiness is moderate (11% for hyper-casual mobile games compared to 24% for all other games combined). However, this is the game experience the genre was built to deliver.

Platforms offering mobile eSports solutions

Goama is providing Casual eSports Engagement Engine wherein it enables mobile apps to host hyper-casual mobiles game tournaments driven by leaderboards, community, and real-world rewards.

With this kind of service, all we can say is that casual esports is on its way to dominating the eSports scene. With the increasing number of people getting new smartphones every day, it’s a no brainer to try this solution to increase SuperApp engagement and leverage ads for awareness and stability.


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