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Gamification in Mobility

When Nick Telling coined the term “gamification” in 2002, he probably did not imagine the world as it is today. Games are no longer the purview of clunky consoles and hand-held controllers; they are a gentle touch away from lighting up our smartphones.

And when we say games, we don’t just mean the kind meant to entertain and do nothing else. Elements of games are quickly seeping into most apps and online portals because the efficacy of a game-like environment has been proven multiple times by now.

Apps and websites in every industry are introducing gamification into their UI. Gamified user journeys tend to show greater user engagement, productivity and specific positive behaviors that benefit businesses and users alike.

In the world of mobility apps, gamification is achieving surprisingly optimistic results. While you would think that something as seemingly mundane as mobility could be made interesting, gamification seems to be proving the idea wrong.

Not convinced? Here are a few examples of real-world mobility apps getting the best out of gamification strategies-


Waze is a community-based traffic and navigation app. Its users share real-time traffic data, updated about route congestion, accidents, speed traps as well as gas prices to help others find cheap gas stations.

Initially, Waze was a lot like Pac-Man. It showed a route with digital pellets, and you had to travel that road to collect all the pellets, which users ended up doing in huge numbers. Today, Waze uses game elements like a score system, badge rewards, avatars with “moods” and a leaderboard – to encourage users to participate in the community spirit of contribution.


Chromaroma was a London-based app that made the otherwise tedious Tube (London subway) travel more interesting. It showed users their movements and locations as they swiped their Oyster card when going in and out of the subway.

Once users signed up, Chromaroma used their Oyster card data to award points for each trip, not just on the Tube but also on buses and bikes. The apps tracked stats on swipes, achievements, modes of transport, seasonal highlights, places, “missions,” “collections” and more. This allowed them not just to earn rewards, get awards and bonus points, but also to discover new ways to travel and explore the city beyond the crowded paths.


Uber’s driver app uses badges and quests to make drivers’ experience more interesting and to make the whole thing feel less like a place of backbreaking work. An earnings tracker is always visible (similar to the “lifeline” in a video game) that reflects how much they have made and how many trips are completed.

Monetary rewards are also built in, which drivers can get by maintaining positive feedback ratings or completing a number of trips within a specified time. There are also tipping systems and other elements to inspire engagement and encourage the driver to get the most out of their workday.


Journey-sharing app Jaunt won the Ford Smart Mobility Game Challenge at the Mobile World Congress 2016. The app allows users to create, share, and join journeys to interesting, popular destinations. They can specify their interests within six categories – food, nature, arts and culture, history, esoteric and weird, shopping. Their “jaunts” are then prioritized and designed by the app accordingly.

The clincher here is that the app offers alternative, possibly less crowded traffic routes. This doesn’t just get users to their destination faster. It also eases the pressure on the most commonly used roads, translating into a win-win situation.

Ford Fusion Hybrid Leaves

While this is different from the other apps covered here, it serves a similar purpose with similar features. On the dashboard of the Ford Fusion Hybrid, there are animated “leaves” which multiply when the car achieves a predetermined level of fuel efficiency. Instead of depicting efficiency with a traditional chart, the gamification element shows a “tree growing,” conveying a better sense of the environmental impact of driving.

The more fuel efficient a driver is, the more the “leaves” and “vines” grow. A game-like interaction between the vehicle and driver turns the cat into a guide for smart, conscientious driving. It encourages fuel-saving and efficiency practices, and creates greater awareness of the effect of human activity on the environment.

Gamification works because it turns boring everyday tasks into little snippets of fun. It challenges users to turn everyday activities into fun competition with others, and gives them something positive to take away from making good decisions. It can become a trigger for creating better behavioral patterns, making them more conscious of how they affect transportation and environmental systems.

Well gamified mobility apps should be unique, attuned to the preferences and peeves of commuters and flexible to accommodate new rewards and “quests”. This provides the kind of autonomy and control that all game-players seek, goals them to keep playing and participate in a community that ultimately makes life easier and more interesting for everyone involved.


Gamification Tips to Increase User Retention on Financial Apps

It’s no secret that user retention is a key metric when it comes to financial apps. But with so many options out there, how do you make sure your app stands out? It takes more than just good design and a few flashy features. You need to think about ways to build trust and loyalty with users, so they stick around for the long haul. Fortunately, there are some proven tips you can use to help you increase user retention on financial apps. Here are three of them – get ready to transform user experience into customer loyalty!

Gamification in Fintech

Gamification has emerged as a powerful tool within the fintech industry, revolutionizing everyday processes by transforming them into engaging milestone-based tasks and rewarding activities. By infusing gaming mechanics into financial tasks, traditionally perceived as mundane or complex, fintech companies have managed to simplify and enhance the user experience. This approach enables individuals to tackle financial objectives through a lens of enjoyment and excitement, as they navigate their way through interactive challenges and earn rewards along the way. The incorporation of gamification in fintech not only streamlines processes but also empowers users to take control of their financial journey more enjoyably and interactively. By merging the worlds of finance and gaming, this innovative approach has the potential to reshape how individuals approach and interact with their finances.

Gamification as a Marketing Strategy

Gamification has proven to be an effective marketing strategy, leveraging the power of games to create engaging and memorable experiences for customers. The concept is straightforward: by inviting customers to participate in a game and offering rewards for their achievements, a strong positive emotion is evoked, which becomes intrinsically associated with the brand itself. This unique approach allows marketers to tap into the innate desire for challenges and rewards, capturing the attention and loyalty of their target audience.

3 tips to increase user retention in Financial Apps

By implementing these strategies, financial apps can increase user retention, reduce churn, and provide a compelling user experience that keeps users engaged, satisfied, and loyal to the platform.

  1. Increase User Retention
  • Progression and Milestones: Implement a system where users can track their progress and achieve milestones within the app. This could be in the form of levels, badges, or virtual currency. Reward users for reaching significant milestones to keep them motivated and engaged.
  • Challenges and Competitions: Introduce interactive challenges or competitions that encourage users to engage with the app regularly. Offer rewards or incentives for completing these challenges, creating a sense of achievement and fostering ongoing participation.
  • Social Engagement: Incorporate social features such as leaderboards, user profiles, or community forums where users can interact, compete, and collaborate. Encourage users to connect with friends, compare achievements, and share their progress within the app.

2. Reduce Churn

  • Onboarding and Tutorials: Provide a seamless and engaging onboarding experience that introduces users to the gamified features of the app. Offer interactive tutorials or tooltips to guide users through the gamification elements and showcase the benefits and value they can gain from participating.
  • Push Notifications and Reminders: Utilize push notifications to remind users about ongoing challenges, upcoming events, or time-sensitive offers. Keep them informed about new gamified features or rewards to maintain their interest and involvement in the app.
  • Incentives for Returning Users: Implement daily login bonuses, streak rewards, or loyalty points that users can accumulate for consistently using the app. Consider offering exclusive rewards or perks for users who remain active over extended periods.

3. Enhance User Experience

  • Clear Goals and Feedback: Clearly define goals and objectives within the gamified elements of the app. Provide feedback and progress updates to users, showing them how their actions and participation contribute to their overall progress and success.
  • Engaging Visual Design: Create visually appealing and immersive gamified interfaces that are visually stimulating and easy to understand. Utilize appealing graphics, animations, and user-friendly interfaces to enhance the overall experience.
  • Personalization and Customization: Allow users to personalize their gamification experience by choosing avatars, themes, or customization options. This fosters a sense of ownership and investment in the gamified journey.

Success Cases

By infusing gaming elements into their marketing strategies, companies create memorable and enjoyable experiences that differentiate them from competitors. Whether it’s through interactive quizzes, challenges, or personalized rewards, gamified marketing captures customers’ attention and fuels their enthusiasm. The unique blend of entertainment and brand messaging enables marketers to effectively convey their value proposition in a way that resonates deeply with their target audience.


In summary, gamified marketing harnesses the power of games to forge a positive emotional bond between customers and the brand. By incorporating interactive elements and offering rewards for participation, companies create immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression. Through this innovative strategy, brands can enhance customer engagement and loyalty; Ultimately, achieving their marketing objectives in a highly effective and enjoyable manner.


Unlock the Hidden Benefits of Gamification in Retail Sales

Gamification is a buzzword often associated with digital marketing, but it has the potential to revolutionize how retail sales operate. By introducing gaming elements into your sales processes, you can boost engagement and drive more results from your customers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the hidden benefits of gamification in retail sales and how you can unlock them for your business. By leveraging the power of gaming to engage customers, retailers can significantly increase their conversion rates while also improving customer satisfaction.

What is Gamification in Retail Sales?

Gamification is a technique used to engage customers and enhance their overall shopping experience by incorporating game-like elements into the retail sales process. By adding fun and interactive features, retailers can motivate their customers to participate more actively in the shopping experience, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and sales.

What are the benefits of incorporating Gamification in Retail Sales?

  1. Creating a sense of competition among Customers: By introducing leaderboards and rewards for top-performing customers, retailers can encourage them to do more than just buy; they can also inspire them to interact with their products in novel ways. This increased engagement leads to a deeper understanding of the product and ultimately leads to greater sales.
  2. Create Loyalty among Customers: Through reward systems, retailers can incentivize customers to purchase more often or refer friends or family. These incentives not only help build loyalty but also help spread awareness of the brand amongst potential new customers. Additionally, by offering exclusive rewards and discounts to loyal customers, retailers can further increase sales and boost customer satisfaction.
  3. Encourage repeat purchases from existing Customers: By introducing different levels and rewards based on customer activity, businesses can keep their attention longer and drive purchases over time. This type of loyalty program provides the perfect opportunity for retailers to showcase new products or services as well as offer exclusive deals to repeat purchasers.
  4. Reduce abandonment rates: Through game elements such as bonus points for buying certain items or completing certain tasks while shopping. By creating fun experiences through gaming elements, retailers can significantly reduce the number of shoppers who abandon carts without purchasing anything.

How to incorporate Gamification?

  1. Loyalty Programs: Retailers can incentivize customers to make purchases by offering rewards points, badges, or other forms of recognition for their loyalty. Customers can earn points by making purchases, sharing products on social media, referring friends, or engaging with the brand in other ways. These points can be redeemed for discounts, exclusive products, or other rewards.
  2. Interactive Experiences: Retailers can create interactive experiences in-store or online that engage customers and create a sense of competition or challenge. For example, allow consumers to create of their own with your rules and post on their social media and tag your company’s social media. This allows C2C content created by consumers and spread your brand among their circles.
  3. Gamified Sales Promotion: By creating game content to motivate consumers for more engagement. For example, Spin-the-wheel promotion for discounts for rewards. This would help consumers to make timely decisions that would otherwise be delayed or abandoned.


Overall, there are many hidden benefits when it comes to leveraging the power of gamification in retail sales. From driving higher conversion rates and better customer engagement to increasing loyalty and reducing abandonment rates – there’s no denying that gaming elements have the potential to revolutionize how businesses sell their products and services. For CEOs and marketing managers looking for innovative ways to improve sales performance, incorporating gamified elements into your retail processes is well worth considering! — Contact us now for your very own unique gamified solution!


Celebrating Outstanding Work: Goama’s MVP of March 2023!

At Goama, we ensure that no efforts and hard work go unrecognized.

Goama’s MVP of March 2023: Aditi!

We are thrilled to announce that Aditi, our extraordinary Ad Operations Specialist, has been named the MVP Employee for the month of March! Her outstanding contributions and unwavering commitment have truly set her apart. Let’s take a moment to recognize Aditi’s remarkable achievements and the positive impact she has made on our team.

Some of Aditi’s achievements for March 2023 include:

🚀 Pushing the Team to New Heights 🚀

Aditi’s relentless drive and passion have been instrumental in pushing our team to perform at their very best. She consistently goes above and beyond to inspire and motivate her colleagues, fostering a culture of excellence and collaboration. Aditi’s dedication to achieving outstanding results has truly raised the bar for all of us.

💰 Maximizing Revenue Generation 💰

Aditi’s expertise in ad operations and strategic thinking have been pivotal in helping our team achieve remarkable revenue growth. Her meticulous attention to detail and innovative approaches have enabled us to maximize revenue opportunities and surpass targets. Aditi’s contributions have undoubtedly played a significant role in our continued success.

🎉 Fun and Achievement in Harmony 🎉

One of Aditi’s remarkable qualities is her ability to blend fun and achievement seamlessly. Even during high-pressure situations, she brings a positive and enthusiastic spirit, creating an enjoyable work environment for everyone around her. Aditi’s ability to maintain team morale while driving toward key performance indicators is truly commendable.

Strive for the best (:

Aditi, your exceptional work ethic, leadership, and dedication have made a lasting impact on our team’s success. We are grateful for your remarkable contributions and your unwavering commitment to excellence.

Congratulations to Aditi!

Let’s all join together in congratulating Aditi for her well-deserved recognition as our MVP Employee for March. Thank you for continuously raising the bar and setting an outstanding example for all of us. Keep up the incredible work, Aditi!


Transform your Content with Gamification today!

In the world of sales and marketing, standing out from the competition is key. With so many businesses competing for attention in a crowded marketplace, it’s essential to find new ways to capture and engage your audience. One strategy that has been gaining traction for its effectiveness is gamification: the use of game-based elements and mechanics to enhance user engagement and motivation. By incorporating elements of gaming into your content, you can transform any mundane or tedious task into an exciting challenge that will keep your audience engaged and motivated.

Why should we Gamify Content?

Gamification is a powerful tool to help increase engagement and motivate users to take action. By adding game-like elements such as rewards, points, leaderboards, and competitions into your content, you can create an experience that is more enjoyable and satisfying than a traditional sales or marketing pitch. Additionally, by providing incentives for users to complete tasks or engage in certain activities, you are motivating them to take action: they are not just viewing your content but actively participating in it. This results in increased engagement levels which can lead to higher conversion rates.

How do we Gamify Content?

To start off with gamifying your content, the first step is to identify what type of game mechanics are best suited for your particular audience. You want to choose elements that will make the most sense for their interests and needs. For example,

  • If you were targeting gamers then you would include elements such as leaderboards or achievements that will reward users for completing tasks or reaching certain objectives within the game.
  • If you were targeting sales reps then points might be a better incentive where they receive points for each successful sale or activity completion.

Once you have identified the type of game mechanics that work best for your target audience then the next step is implementing them into your content in an interesting way.

Implementing Gamified Content:

Always remember to define your marketing strategy: The audience, demographic, marketing goals & channels, and have a content plan in hand before executing. Listed below are a few methods that you can use to gamify your content:

  1. Scoring System: By incorporating a scoring system can help to add a competitive element to your content. You can award points for completing tasks, answering questions correctly, or completing challenges. These points then can be redeemed for powers-up or discounts or a free gift.
  2. Rewards & Badges: By making use of a reward system, it can help your audience to have a sense of accomplishment. Badges, also allow consumers to have a visual element to signify their achievements and progress. In return, it helps to keep your audience to stay/support the game/company for a long run
  3. Creating Challenges: Challenges can help to add a sense of excitement and competition to your content. You can set up challenges that require users to solve puzzles, answer trivia questions, or complete tasks. This helps to keep the gamers on the move and keep coming back for more.
  4. Game-like Mechanics: Consider incorporating game-like mechanics such as levels, power-ups, or boss battles to make your content more exciting and challenging. It helps your audience when they are facing a difficult level by motivating them to complete trivial quests to redeem power-ups to help them with the challenge. Hence, they will be motivated and not disheartened to quit.
  5. Storytelling: By creating an immersive narrative that incorporates gaming elements throughout its progression as well as providing incentives at various checkpoints along the journey. This helps keep users engaged with an underlying purpose while also providing rewards throughout their journey; thus encouraging further participation while also increasing their commitment towards completing the task at hand.

Why is Gamified Content beneficial for Business?

Gamified content has helped many businesses to increase their revenue and interaction between them and consumers. It can help to attract potential new customers and website/page visits.

  1. Interactive Features and Engagement: What sets Goama apart is its emphasis on interactivity and engagement. Players can actively participate in the games by voting, completing quests, and even challenging other players online. This level of interactivity adds an exciting layer to the gaming experience and fosters a sense of shared involvement.
  2. Community Building and Networking: Goama Games serves as a platform for gamers to connect, network, and build communities. This sense of community encourages collaborations, friendships, and the exchange of gaming strategies, contributing to a thriving ecosystem within Goama Games.
  3. Monetization Opportunities: It is a win-win situation for both players and the company. Players can win rewards/cash prizes through playing the games and the company can have better revenue from players as they stay loyal to the company and support the merchandise.

Overall, incorporating elements of gaming into your content has numerous benefits which makes it a highly effective strategy for improving user engagement and driving conversions. It enables businesses to create unique experiences for their audiences which keeps them engaged while also motivating them to take action; ultimately leading to increased success rates! So why not give it a shot? Transform your content today with gamification and see just how far it can take you!


The Rise of Goama: Customized Games

In the era of smartphones and social media, the landscape of gaming has undergone a tremendous transformation. One company at the forefront of this revolution is Goama, a leading provider of social entertainment platforms. With its innovative approach, Goama has captured the attention of millions of users around the globe, redefining the way we interact, compete, and engage with mobile games. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Goama and delve into the key features that make it a game-changer in the industry.

The Rise of Goama:

Goama burst onto the scene with a vision to create a seamless blend of gaming and social interaction. Founded in 2018, the company has rapidly gained popularity, becoming a global leader in the mobile gaming space. By offering an extensive range of engaging games and fostering a vibrant community, Goama has successfully tapped into the immense potential of social entertainment.

The Goama Experience:

At the heart of Goama’s success lies its commitment to providing an unparalleled gaming experience. By leveraging its advanced technology, the platform offers users access to an extensive library of casual games, spanning various genres and themes. From puzzle games to trivia challenges, users can enjoy a wide array of titles that cater to diverse interests and preferences.

Social Engagement:

Goama takes gaming to a whole new level by prioritizing social interaction. Through its intuitive user interface, players can connect with friends and family, engage in friendly competitions, and share their achievements. The platform incorporates chat features, leaderboards, and challenges, creating a vibrant community where users can form connections, compete, and collaborate.

Accessibility and Inclusivity:

One of Goama’s remarkable achievements is its focus on accessibility and inclusivity. By making its platform available in multiple languages and optimizing it for low-bandwidth environments, Goama ensures that users from various regions and backgrounds can partake in the gaming experience. This commitment to inclusivity has significantly contributed to the platform’s global reach and popularity.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

Goama has forged strategic partnerships with leading brands, game developers, and content creators, enhancing its gaming offerings and expanding its reach. These collaborations have resulted in exciting cross-promotions, exclusive in-game events, and additional content updates, enriching the user experience and keeping the platform fresh and engaging.

Monetization and Business Model:

Goama employs a freemium model, allowing users to access a wide range of games for free while offering premium features and content for a fee. This approach not only provides users with flexibility but also supports the sustainability and growth of the platform. Additionally, Goama offers opportunities for game developers and content creators to monetize their creations, fostering a thriving ecosystem within the platform.


Goama has emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of social entertainment, offering users a unique fusion of gaming and social interaction. Through its extensive library of games, emphasis on social engagement, and commitment to accessibility, Goama has captured the hearts of millions of gamers worldwide. With its ongoing pursuit of innovation and strategic collaborations, Goama is well on its way to shaping the future of mobile gaming, promising exciting developments and endless entertainment for its ever-growing community of users. Wait no more and start to enquire how Goama Customized Games can help your business!

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