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What are the benefits of Gamification?

As discussed in a previous piece, gamification is the practice of incorporating game elements, mechanics and principles and introducing them to non-game environments in order to engage users more effectively. It takes the fun, engaging parts of games and applies them to real-world, non-game activities.

But what are the major benefits of gamification? What justifies the financial and manpower investment into gamifying a digital platform?

Key Benefits of Gamification

  • Higher Engagement: Turns out, even when the TV is on, millennials are focused on their phones. It is safe to assume that they aren’t watching commercially too carefully when they could be playing Grand Theft Auto on their phone.

    Games engage users in a way video cannot. It draws them into a participatory, interactive relationship. By actually undertaking steps to advance through levels, overcome obstacles and communicate with other players, individuals have a much deeper emotional resonance with games. Compare this with the one-sided viewer-video relationship, and you can start to imagine why gamification drives engagement.

    Whether targeted at employees of a company or potential customers of a brand, gamification actually entertains the target audience. When having fun, individuals are a lot less likely to see the content as study material or marketing collateral. It provides them with a burst of stimulation and attaches positive emotion to the brand and the gamified material itself.

    To quote Gartner, “When successfully designed, gamification apps enhance user engagement and drive customer acquisition and retention.”
  • Fosters better learning: According to game developer and author Jane McGonigal, “By 21 years of age, many males will have spent over 10,000 hours immersed in online gaming”  She has also explored the science behind “why games are good for us–why they make us happier, more creative, more resilient, and better able to lead others in world-changing efforts.”

    Individuals are geared to respond positively to the challenge-and-reward structure inherent in games. If utilized in learning modules and classrooms, gamification has the potential (and proven ability) to encourage more investment in the lessons, provide a sense of achievement and nurture healthy competition between students.

    The same results can be replicated in workplaces when it comes to training new employees or upskilling existing employees. Gamification can help them connect to the material, retain more knowledge and develop a sense of pride in mastering new ideas and skills.
  • Offers Instant Feedback: A key aspect of game dynamics is to offer instant feedback. When people tend to know how they are progressing with an activity, they will care more about the outcome. They will also put in more effort to do well, in an attempt to receive positive feedback at the end of each challenge/quest/mission. This encourages, once again, deeper engagement, higher retention and recall.
  • Encourages behavioural change: As the pointers above demonstrate, gamification has the ability to change behavioural patterns, at least while someone is actively communicating with game mechanics. By leveraging this ability to influence behaviour, gamification can be used to promote better learning, greater focus and more positive, people-based outcomes. Anything from a more attentive student to a more productive employee can be the result of an efficiently gamified app.

Examples of Gamification in Action

  • Tinycards by Duolingo: Tinycards takes the old concept of learning via flashcards and makes it interesting. Just pick a subject, and the app will initiate a learning process with flashcards.

    A couple examples of gamification: as a user goes through a deck of flashcards, the progress bar reflects their advancements and eventually awards them with various accomplishments. Users can even get creative and craft their own flashcards.
  • Memrise: A gamified language app with a plethora of game-derived elements, Memrise is known for its fun and easy-to-use interface. Users take the form of astronauts, off to outer space on a journey to pick up a new language. They learn, advance in levels and while doing so, are accompanied by a similarly evolving pet alien.
  • SoloLearn: SoLoLearn uses gamification to teach code. It hosts player challenges, a Code Playground for players to display their code and gather feedback, as well as a leaderboard that celebrates the best coders. You can build your own code and apps, present it on the Playground, and have others on the app upvote it, use it and provide instant feedback.
  • Goama: Goama gamifies other apps to increase user acquisition and retention, engagement, and open up even more revenue streams. We do more than just badges, leaderboards, and points when we gamify app, we actually turn your app into a place where users can enjoy games and win real rewards. You can learn more on how we gamify apps here.
Goama Games

As these examples depict, the benefits of gamification are established and impossible to ignore. They give users a reason to care about a website or app, and actually pay attention to the content being displayed. It has tangible effects on users’ brain chemistry, behaviour and eventually, real-world action.

The very real benefits of gamification make it a sound and future-proof investment for any organization that wants to get people interested, engaged and retain their mindfulness. In an age of lower attention spans, instant gratification and agility-as-priority, gamification promises to become a best practice rather than just a fascinating novelty.  

Want to know more about gamification and how we can gamify your app? Contact us here.


What is Gamification?

Gamification is more than just points, badges, and leaderboards. It refers to the practice of incorporating game elements, mechanics and principles and introducing them to non-game environments in order to engage users more effectively. In other words, it takes the fun, engaging parts of games and applies them to real-world, non-game activities.

Websites, online learning modules, organizational intranet, and numerous other digital avenues use gamification to inspire more focused interaction with the content, as well as collaboration and sharing of data among users.

When asking “what is gamification?”, think of how you feel when playing a game like Angry Birds. You were focused on the game, distracted from everything else in the world, and time passed by faster than you thought. Every level you cleared by winning gave you a little thrill of accomplishment. 

Gamification aims to generate that feeling while people engage in more productive, sometimes mundane activities – online learning, recruitment, training, reorienting organizational productivity and more.

Why does gamification work?

The question “what is gamification” doesn’t make much sense without a bit of a deep-dive into why gamification is successful in the first place.

To quote Yu-kai Chou, “Good gamification doesn’t start with game elements; it starts with our core drives.” These core drives, as outlined in his blog, are summarized as follows:

  1. Epic meaning & calling: Give people the sense that they are part of something bigger than themselves.
  2. Development & accomplishment: Caters to the human desire to overcome a challenge and obstacle, achieve progress and be rewarded for it.
  3. Empowerment of creativity & feedback: Allow people to express themselves creatively and see immediate feedback on their efforts.
  4. Ownership & possession: Make people owners of what they do, which drives them to get better at it.
  5. Social influence & relatedness: Incorporate social elements fundamental to human behaviour – mentorship, acceptance, social responses, companionship, as well as competition and envy.
  6. Scarcity & impatience: Give people something they can’t immediately haven thus making them want it more.
    To quote Yu-kai, “This is the Core Drive utilized by Facebook when it first started: at first it was just for Harvard. Then it opened up to a few other prestigious schools, and eventually all colleges. When it finally opened up to everyone, many people wanted to join because they previously couldn’t get in it.”
  7. Unpredictability & curiosity: Leverage the human curiosity and anticipation that comes from not knowing what will happen next.
  8. Loss & avoidance: Utilize the human desire and instinct to avoid negative outcomes.
Gamificatoin - Octalysis Framework

Essentially, gamification is “Human-Focused Design,” as opposed to “Function-Focused Design.”  To gamify a digital platform, developers, testers and other stakeholders have to ask themselves “What will motivate human users to interact and engage with our content?” They can no longer just prioritize efficiency in order to get the job done. They have to care about what people enjoy, and what causes them to emotionally respond to the content at hand. 

Common Terms Associated with Gamification

Game Mechanics: This term refers to principles, guidelines, rules and rewards that show up on a digital platform to drive user behaviour. Mechanics may comprise levels, badges, progress trackers, missions, quests, certificates, etc. They are the components via which individuals exist with the gamified interface, advance and receive feedback.

Game Dynamics: This refers to the behaviour, emotional responses and desires that the game dynamics intend to elicit within the users of the gamified app or website. For example, competition can be encouraged  between participants through individual quests or collaboration between them through team missions. Badges and coupons can be useful for raising individual or team morale. Game dynamics are the aim that game mechanisms intend to meet when implemented in the gamify process.

The Value of Gamification in Business 
When leveraged effectively, gamification can influence human behaviour, motivate them in specific ways and drive desirable business results. By facilitating easy and eager participation with business initiatives (sales training, upskilling within the company, etc.), an organization can encourage their employees to operate at their creative and productive best.

Additionally, gamified platforms can be used to drive higher engagement and positive brand associations from customers. If people have more fun when they are exploring a brand (whether just visiting their website or making an actual purchase), they are likely to think well of it, buy it’s products/services and recommend it to someone they know.

Furthermore, engagement with gamified portals generate significant data points that can, in turn, be used to optimize content strategies, performance marketing strategies and campaigns. Whether employee or customer interaction, gamification steps can be used as parameters by which to get more specific data points about what end-users like and are willing to put money and effort into.
For any organization seeking a robust digital presence, to gamify is to be future-forward. Within ever-dwindling attention spans, it is difficult to keep people interested in content that is not entertaining or compelling in some way. Implementing gamification is an effort-intensive but rewarding work-around, with advantages for everyone involved in the process.

Want to know more about gamification and how we can gamify your app? Contact us here.


Goama & DANA Partner Up to Bring Mobile Hyper Casual eSports to Indonesia

On Sep 21, 2021

Indonesia, September 21, 2021  — Goama continues its efforts in extending its gamification services, and now making its mark in Indonesia through DANA, the leading digital financial service provider for Indonesians. Thanks to Goama, DANA customers will now have free access to more than hundreds of mobile games and win amazing prizes from our competitive and fun mobile tournaments.

The Mobile Casual eSports platform Goama Games, powered by Goama can be found in DANA’s app by accessing “DANA Home” or the ‘Entertainment’ page.  Through this collaboration, DANA users are able to discover “Mini Games” and start playing a limitless amount of fun and engaging games. Players can choose to compete with other players in tournaments and compare their scores against other users. Top rank players can also win amazing cash prizes.

“The gaming industry in Indonesia has shown tremendous growth and is projected to contribute even further to Indonesia’s creative economy. Indonesia is a country with the largest gaming industry market in SEA with more than 52 million Indonesian gamers, thus DANA is excited to finally mobilize everyone in our own Mobile Casual eSports Platform powered by Goama. DANA itself has been available as a digital payment option to multiple gaming providers. Now, DANA’s partnership with Goama is expected to broaden new opportunities, emphasize our position as a financial lifestyle-based app, and further society to digital financial literacy and digital wallet adoption,” said Vince Iswara, CEO & Co-Founder of DANA.

Goama’s cutting-edge gamification engine enables DANA to drive user engagement and acquisition for their partners. Not only is this beneficial for DANA, but other partners and all ecosystems will reap the benefits as well through increased impressions to active users.

“DANA’s users will now have more reasons to visit the platform as they can enjoy themselves through playing fun games within DANA’s platform and try out the tournament platforms to also win some cool prizes. We are very proud to be initiating this with DANA in bringing competitive social gaming to Indonesia,” said Goama Games CEO Taro Araya. 

Goama is the leading gamification enabler, where they help companies gamify their app experiences and create games that are both rewarding and fun for their users. Additionally, gamification allows these businesses to discover new user behaviours which opens up more opportunities to market to their users in more ways.

Wayne Kennedy, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Goama shared that in addition to delivering loads of fun for DANA users, “through custom branded games, tournaments and prizes, we change the game in how we can advertise to customers in Indonesia.”

About DANA

DANA is a digital wallet service by PT Espay Debit Indonesia Koe, an Indonesian startup company in the financial technology sector paving the way towards an advanced infrastructure which makes it possible to complete payments and transactions without cash, without card. Born and raised in Indonesia, DANA takes pride in its local creative talents and programmers who have tirelessly worked to build and develop DANA from the ground up. In addition to its availability on iOS and Android, DANA is integrated with various merchants and renowned applications as payment solution, both online and offline. #DANASahabatUMKM reflects DANA’s initiative to support the digitalization of Indonesian micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through the platform DANA Bisnis.

About Goama Pte. Ltd.

Goama is the leader in gamification, setting the benchmark for digital innovation and user engagement. Its turnkey solution offers a plug and play platform that creates unparalleled gamified experiences that enable business partners to build sustainable and engaged online communities. Goama has worked with leading super apps and brands in more than 24 countries to help them drive user engagement, increase revenue streams, and acquire new users.

Goama’s offering extends to brands with customized games on its tournament platform to drive lasting brand engagement that is easily scaled across digital mediums. This creates a paradigm shift in advertising, providing more opportunities for brands to build meaningful experiences for their audiences on their channels or through Goama’s partners.

To learn more about how we can gamify your app, click here.

If you want to find out how we can build a game for your brand, click here.

For further information, please contact:


Mr. Wazir, Tengku

Head of Marketing

E-mail: tengku.wazir@goama.com

Phone: +60 17-6199016

Website: www.goama.com

Mr. Calvin Lee

VP for Sales and Marketing

Email: calvin.lee@goama.com

Phone: +60 12-6248874

Website: www.goama.com


Putri Dianita           

VP of Corporate Communications               

E-mail: putri.dianita@dana.id 

Mobile: 0811 9949 387


The 5 Key Criteria That Makes a Super App, Super!

“Super App” is a term coined by Blackberry founder, Mike Lazaridis, defining it as “a closed ecosystem of many apps that people would use every day because they offer such a seamless, integrated, contextualized and efficient experience.” He envisioned a collection of apps that serve people’s multipurpose needs, seated in one mega platform. As prophesied, the age of super apps has already taken over our lives. 

The digital transformation across the globe and the rising demands of end users has pushed developers to create the ultimate “ecosystems of various offerings. ”Super apps or ‘digital front-doors’ have further evolved to a mass marketplace, offering a variety of products and services made possible by in-house technologies or through third-party integrations.

One of the leaders the Super app realm is WeChat, initially an instant messaging app that transformed into an ecosystem of services including but not limited to taxi booking, virtual wallets, payment channel, hotel reservations and of course, gaming.

Map of the WeChat mini program Ecosystem

Similar super apps have sprung up over the past years, starting off as a single use focused app and that eventually morphs into a multi-purpose mega platform that offers a variety of services that addresses people’s needs. 

 Contenders to WeChat are the likes of Grab, Gcash, Paymaya, Gojek, MPT4U in Asia Pacific, Tata in India, Yandex Go for Europe and Careem in Dubai. There are a wide number of tech companies aiming to be THE ultimate super app. Even The Facebook Company, with their purchase of WhatsApp depicts its ambition to bite into Super app market pie.

 So what makes a super app really super? We’d say it has to do with the elements and characteristics of being able to provide an all-in-one or one-stop-shop capabilities to end users. The more service or functionality being offered by a mobile app, providing convenience to end users, the higher its level of superpower.

Let’s deep dive into the the 5 characteristics of a super app:

  1. Super apps are the ultimate go-to app on the phone

The ease of use and search of products and services in an all-in-one app holds more value to end users because it is convenient and saves time. Imagine it as another home copy of your home screen where you can get to all the services you need to sort out your daily life within just one app! e-Wallet, check. Bills payment, check. Games, check.

  1. Has at least one service or function that has a high open rate

Super apps like Gojek and Grab started off as a ride-sharing app and each added functions such as instant messaging and e-wallet. Gcash started off as a mobile wallet and payment center, and now offers multiple verticals in-app. Whatever a super app was initially built for, it was doing its ‘job’ superbly, allowing them to morph into an ecosystem of offerings.

Gojek vs. Grab
  1. Easy access to end users’ wallet

Why let your end users keep money in another app when you could have direct access to their wallet? This is an important function being done by many apps with the ambitions of being a super app, even such as the likes of eCommerce platforms Lazada and Shoppe launching their own e-wallet function that enables ease of access to payments for their users.

Lazada Wallet
  1. Open and welcome to partnerships with other platforms

Super apps are like your malls with multiple shops offering various services. The very reason why they are what they are is their ability to be open to collaborations and partnerships. Their app structure allows for other platforms to be seamlessly integrated within the ecosystem they have built. Gamification platforms like Goama enjoy partnerships in over 24+ countries across the globe, providing a highly curated library of addictive games.

  1. To sum it up, from a business perspective, a super app provides much value to businesses in general

The capabilities of a super app can increase growth, and engagement. Additionally, having lots of services that cater to different needs of consumers will help with retaining users.

It is no secret, Goama loves super apps and integrates seamlessly with one, providing the fun aspect that retains the end user on that super app, lengthening end user time spent while they are not using the key service that the super app provides. It is entertainment within reach, without having to install multiple game apps on their phone. 

End users simply need to tap into the super app and they will have access to high quality casual gaming. Goama also provides monetization opportunities through game tournaments that makes end users hooked on further.

Super apps are here to stay, and ever ready to serve end users’ multipurpose needs. What about you? What do you enjoy about the super app that you are using?




Goama Joins Forces with RFOX Media Partners To Reach 20 Million People in South East Asia

RFOX Media seeks out Goama’s expertise in creating tournament games to build and provide a hyper casual game in order to use play-to-win as means to acquire more users to the new RFOX Media platform. 

On Sep 1, 2021

Manila, Philippines, September 1, 2021  — Southeast Asian based RFOX Media (a subsidiary of RedFOX Labs $RFOX) has partnered with Goama, to go after the huge untapped market in Myanmar and to address both Goama and RedFOX Media’s combined audience of more than 20 million South East Asians.

RedFOX Labs (RFOX) Introduces New NFT Streaming Platform | Cryptocoin Spy

MYMEDIA Myanmer, one of the largest media players in South East Asia was acquired by RFOX Media earlier this year, providing them access to more than 13 million followers across its platforms. RFOX Media is now on the way to also create content that can be monetized through advertising and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT).

Goama is a gaming platform that is built for businesses like these, combining the best of esports and the best of casual games to create a competitive casual gaming environment, where players compete on casual games ranked on live leaderboards to win real-world prizes. It has been so popular since its inception and is made available to millions of users in the leading apps across 24 countries and counting.

The two companies collaborate to launch a game titled ‘RFOX run’ which will offer players a chance to win rare and exclusive NFTs based on their tournament rankings and performance.

Ben Fairbank, CEO, and Co-founder of RedFOX Labs commented:

“We currently have a gaming division called RFOX Games, but to partner with a non-blockchain gaming platform with such a large daily user base is wonderful exposure in a very different sector for us.

“The Myanmar market is still so young, with a lot of potential, and through this collaboration we will launch tournament games alongside Goama who have over 80K people competing in each gaming tournament”.

“We have been planning this for a long time and to finally bring it all together is a wonderful achievement for us and for RFOX Media. We will soon look to partner with Goama across the Philippines and other SEA countries as we follow our aggressive acquisition and growth campaigns across the region”.

Wayne Kennedy, CPO and Co-founder of Goama said:

“We are excited to team up with RedFox and bring NFTs as tournament prizes for the first time in Myanmar! Innovation is at the core of our mission and this is the first of many innovations we have in plan for our casual eSports platform on leading Superapps throughout Southeast Asia.

“We’re proud to have created RFOX Run, which we know our users are going to love playing and chasing the top spot on the leaderboard!

Wayne further adds “We look forward to a successful and long partnership with RedFOX and extending the relationship across our entire footprint.”

About RedFOX Labs

RedFOX Labs is a Southeast Asian venture builder, that identifies and builds successful business models for the regions emerging markets. It is focused on unlocking the true market value of the Southeast Asian digital economy for high consumer demand services such as e-commerce, e-media, e-travel, and esports/gaming and focuses on adding value to the digital economy through the use of emerging technologies such as blockchain. As a company, its value is tradable through its native token ($RFOX).

About Goama

Goama is a leader in platform gamification, setting the benchmark in digital innovation and user engagement, working with some of the world’s biggest superapps and brands. Its turnkey solution offers a plug and play platform that creates unique gamified experiences that empower its business partners to build engaged communities. Goama has partnerships with the leading apps across 24+ countries to help them drive user engagement, increase monetization opportunities, and acquire new users.

To learn more about how we can gamify your app, click here.

If you want to find out how we can build a game for your brand, click here.

For further information, please contact:

Mr. Wazir, Tengku

Head of Marketing

E-mail: tengku.wazir@goama.com

Phone: +60 17-6199016

Website: www.goama.com

Mr. Calvin Lee

VP for Sales and Marketing

Email: calvin.lee@goama.com

Phone: +60 12-6248874

Website: www.goama.com

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