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Webinar English

Webinar – Gamification as Marketing Strategy

More companies are using gamification as marketing strategy

Gaming industry has more than 3 Billion players of all ages in 2022, many companies are using gaming and gamification as user acquisition and retention, we will tell you how.

  • Add customizable Goama games
  • Select the reward and prizes to provide
  • Set the Tournament strategy
  • Integrate Goama’s platform into your App or Web

You could be interest in: Branded Games.

+100 customizable Games for Companies

You can choose the most engaging games to be branded and customized for your company.

Choose from more than 5 categories and give unique content to your audiences. Some of the main categories are:

  • Puzzles
  • Action
  • Sports
  • Adventure

There is about 3.2 Billion gamers of all ages in 2022

Games are for everyone nowadays, in Goama we develop, launch and test the most engaging games for mobile and web platforms.

Many companies are integrating our tournament platform to provide games and reward systems to their users, increasing acquisition and retention rates.

For more information please contact us.

Webinar English

Webinar – Gamification in financial industry

Know Gcash business case with gamification

Goama is providing a Gamification platform that companies in the financial industry are using to generate revenue and brand activation.

  • More than 4 Million users in the first week.
  • More than $200,000 USD in revenue just in Paid games by their users.
  • More than $100,000 Revenue on sponsored games

You could be interest in: Branded Games.


Webinar: How To Transform Your App Into A Gamified Powerhouse

Calvin Lee, the VP of Sales & Marketing of Goama along with Wazir Aziz, the Head of Marketing of Goama, presented in a webinar hosted by Common Ground Coworking Space to talk about “How To Transform Your App Into A Gamified Powerhouse”. In this webinar, you will get insights on what gamification really is and how to use gamification to increase user acquisition and retention, open up revenue streams for your app, and increase user engagement.

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